Jealously and Justice

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Weeks go by Travis has now repeated this process of bullying Max ensues. Max going along with Travis's plans only for him to get in trouble and yelled at by the Ms. but, because Travis never gives that last strike this makes the Ms. treat Max poorly most of time such as being yelled or humiliated in front of the class. This bring and drags Max's self-confidence down by a lot to a point to where Max has now started to question himself. He felt trapped in this orphanage. Imprisoned he wanted to escape but couldn't. Where would he go? He was even more depressed because of this. Being extra tired in the morning not really wanting to get up in the morning it was like a never-ending cycle.

Today in particular was a Monday it was now gym class and Max had already been on two strikes today. Today was the day Travis would break the system. At this point most of the boys and girls hated Max so others would bully and mock him regardless even without Travis help. Max sat on the bleachers alone he was staring at the floor and just thinking to himself. How he got himself into this mess all for what? A stuffed bear. It was a stuffed bear. What was so special about it?

Just then Travis and Kyle walked up to him. Max looked up "what do you want fucker" he growled Travis "today is the day you'll see what the Ms. does to bad kids like you and when she itching to lose it" Max rolled his eyes "whatever let's get it over with what do you want me to do" Travis shook his head "oh no, No Max I don't need to tell you anything because I'm sure you'll do it on your own" he smiled then looked at Kyle "Kyle do it" Max was confused and looked ta Kyle who had the bear by the head and a pair of scissors. He watched as Kyle slowly cut off the head of this bear the bears body drooping to the floor.

Max sat up staring at them for a moment then he started to laugh. Max started to laugh as hard as he could he gets a good laugh cry for moment "YOU GUYS ARE IDIOTS!!! AHAHAHA" Travis and Kyle looked at each other questioning on why Max hasn't done anything yet then they look back at Max "M-Max?" Kyle questioned. Max sighs and takes a breath the one thing that was keeping Max in check was now broken he stood up. He had the smiled of the devil on his face "YOUR BOTH DEAD!" Max jumped up from where he standing landing on top of Travis.

Travis was scared now Max started to beat the ever living shit out of him. He punched this kid in the face multiple times breaking Travis nose, giving him a black eye, and even knocking some teeth out. "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!" Max was screaming out loud at Travis. Travis was screaming and crying a lot trying to get Max off him he yelled for Kyle to help him. Kyle was scared but he took the scissors he was holding and tries to stab Max in the back but, Max noticed this. He was quick on his feet and grabbed the scissors "ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING STAB ME!!! YOU LITTLE SHIT! OH, I WANTED TO DO THIS FOR A LONG TIME!" Max grabbed Kyle by the shirt pulling him up he punched this kid square in the jaw. Kyle screamed loudly the other children hears this and ran watching this fight break out. The children yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" suddenly the head Ms. busted threw the door and Max was still beating the ever living shit out of these kids his fist was bloody when he was pulled off by the head Ms.

Max was laughing, he was psychotic. There was so much relief. He just let go at that moment he had realized what that bear really symbolized so cutting that bear up made me realize it was a symbol of reminding. A reminding for the love of his parents his mother gave him that bear and it was gone she was gone and so was his father. They were cut from his life just as that bear is. But what came next would physically harm him just as much as everyone else has mentally.

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