Internal Pain and Daniel's Redemption

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He headed to the bed room the room was dark. Travis and Kyle seemed to already be fast asleep. He supposed the guys had just passed out from him beating them up. He slowly walked to his bed in the corner and took off his clothes he put on one of his clean yellow shirts and some shorts he missed his hoodie he slowly pulled it out but, something that was between the folds fell out. It was a yellow hanker chef.

Max was sitting on the bed the hanker chef had fallen straight onto his lap he took it and looked at it his cheeks turned pink and tears started to form it was one of David's yellow hanker chefs. He must have packet it why trying to get away from the police weeks ago. He put it to his face and started to cry. He lied down and silently cried into it until he slowly calmed down, he turned around looking out the window he looked at the sky from where he was, he missed outside at this point. He missed nature and camping.

 He knew his way around the orphanage by now. Max hated it here he wanted to leave. He glanced at the fabric in his hand then stood up he held onto it tightly then left the room. His ass hurt but he was determined to head outside he wanted to see the sky like he was camping again. He knew the orphanage had a roof top he could climb up to it. He had seen one of the Ms.'s go up some stairs down the hall to get up there the stairs where unlocked they never locked it. Max headed down the hall and up the stairs opening the hatch then climbing up onto the roof he looked at the sky and walked toward the edge. He took a breath of air and screamed at the top of his lungs clutching this yellow hanker chef in hand he cried out. He had all his anger and frustrations be released into the air. It felt good.

 Then that was when the head Ms. came up, she had a smile on her face as she normally did. She had figured something was wrong earlier and she was right. She found Max on the roof of the orphanage building. Max quickly turned she spoke "Max sweetie c-" she was cut off" SHUT UP LADY IF YOU TAKE ONE MORE STEP ILL JUMP! I WILL DONT TEST ME!!" he gets closer to the edge the Ms. slowly walked toward Max. She was talking as she did so "Come on now sweetheart I didn't mean to hurt you like that I just want to show you what you did was wrong" "YOUR A HORRIBLE CARE TAKER AND YOUR NO BETTER THEN THE PARENTS WHO HURT THESE KIDS NO WONDER WHY THESE CHILDERN ARE HORRIBLE BECAUSE THEY ALL ACT LIKE YOU!!! YOU HURT KIDS" he loosened the grip on the hanker chef. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID LADY YOU CANT HELP ME THERES ONLY ONE PERSON WHO I WILL EVER TRUST ONE PERSON AND YOUR NOT HIM" "honey that man doesn't love you he's a criminal" "YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING BECAUSE I LOVE HIM! I love David!" he yelled looking at her dead in the eyes.

 His eyes where teary but he was determined to get what he wanted. With a heavy gust of wind, the wind picked up and the fabric flew out of his hands. He quickly turned and tried to grab it but by doing so he had jumped off the building the Ms. ran so fast trying to grab Max but it was too late. Her smile had faded for the first time in a long time. 

She frowned watching Max fall off the roof. Max fell quickly but to him it felt slow like he had nothing left to lose. He realized what was happening and closed his eyes embracing for impact of the cold hard ground to kill him but, he felt something warm something soft. He slowly opened his eyes to see Daniel. 

He looked up at the man who was holding him. Daniel was looking straight up he didn't even look at Max. He had a straight face then slowly looked at Max. He had a straight face still. Max looked at him stunned. Why would he catch him? He was puzzled. Daniel held up the yellow hanker chef. He smiled but this smile was soft and kind hearted. A side to Daniel Max had never know he had. A smile like that or an emotion he didn't think Daniel even possessed which was empathy. He handed the hanker chef to Max.

 Max grabbed it quickly clutching it to his body he realized what he had done. He almost killed himself. Max just looked at the yellow fabric and started to cry he was a child after all. Daniel looked up at the lady who was watching from the roof and glared with a spiteful discussed look. He held Max and took him back inside. He slowly walked up the stair and into the room. Travis and Kyle woke up because of Max's loud crying they watched as Daniel went to Max's bed and put him on the bed sitting him down onto it, he bent down. 

The blond man was gentle he lifted Max's head up slowly and whipped his tears gently with his thumb. He rubbed Max's cheeks softly he slowly calmed down "Max know one thing that even a psychopath like me knows killing yourself is the worst way to go out okay know that I do what I need to get what I want but, know that your worth it okay" max held the hanker chef to his mouth was staring Daniel in his big blue eyes and just listened. Daniel smiled and pushed Max's hair back a bit he gives max a kiss on the head "your worth it kid" he pulled back. Max clutching the hanker chef he had stopped crying because of Daniel's soft voice and kind words it reminded him of David and that's all he needed to hear. That's all he wanted. 

Daniel smiled he figured he would help Max out he then stood up and picked Max up he sat down and put max on his lap. He rubbed Max's head. Max was so confused but he didn't flinch away from Daniel at least Daniel was someone he knew. He didn't want to look at Daniel but he ended up doing so the man's eyes where so mesmerizing. Daniel just rubbed Max's head "Max go to sleep you'll need your rest I'm pick you up later tomorrow okay" Max looked down at the hanker chef in his hands and slowly fell asleep clutching it. 

Daniel put Max to bed and turned around. He frowned at the two children in front of him. He had a straight face again. They were watching all this. Daniel whispered as he spoke "you little shits keep bullying this kid and you'll never get out of here I promise you that. " Travis spoke "why? what's so special about Max" Daniel snickered a bit "he's special because he acutely has people who care about him unlike you brats" Kyle teared up and ran out of the room Travis followed him "your mean! And the devil" "good I'm glad you think that way" Daniel smiled as he walked back closing the door leaving Max to sleep alone.

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