Young, Wild And Free.

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The children and Benny were in charge of preparing everything for dinner. They tried to collect as much as possible all the disaster that was in the house, Marisol was not happy with what was happening, so while Benny was focused on doing things she only read a magazine.

After everything was ready Benny went up to get ready and Marisol took the opportunity to go up with him, perhaps it was time to have some time alone with him. As the boys were in their own scrolls, they didn't realize that. Paula, Ashley, Fernanda and Ludvig were in the Porsche of the house smoking while Göran and Juju were inside and they had Elena as a slave fixing everything. They saw that Frida's car was approaching and quickly put out the cigarettes and tried to throw them away, they got nervous. She didn't know they smoked.

Ash: shit, the smell of cigarettes.

Pau: let's say dad was smoking.

Fer: she's not dumb.

Ash: sometimes she is.

Ludvig: smile, there she comes.

Frida had an apple pie in her hand that she baked for dinner and hugged everyone, Paula grabbed the pie and quickly went to the kitchen to avoid her asking why they smelled like cigarettes. When Frida entered saw that Juju was there, she had already separated from Göran to avoid suspicion, Frida was surprised to see her and smiled hugging her.

Frida: I didn't know you were here.

Juju: yes, I came last night.

Elena ran to hug her mother because she was happy to see her.

Frida: where is Benny?

Elena: I don't know but right now I'm going to find out.

She knew something must be happening with her dad.

Frida: Elena. No. Wait until he come down.

Pau: impossible, I'll go for him.

Frida: Paula!!

Elena and Paula went up to look for their dad, everyone knew what could be happening between him and Marisol but no way, Frida had no way to stop them. They knocked on the door of the bedroom and nobody answered. Benny quickly threw himself off the bed and began to put on his clothes, Marisol who had a stupid face of happiness stayed there as if nothing happened.

Pau: Dad, mom is here. What do you do?

Benny: I'm going now honey, wait for me down.

Paula and Elena looked at each other in disgust, hated the fact that he was with that bitch.

Elena: dad, don't keep us waiting.

Pau: now, hurry up, —she knocked again—.

Elena and Paula came down too angry, Frida who knew they hadn't had much "success" hugged them and tried to distract them.

Frida: tell me what you have done.

Fer: nothing important, we've been here all the time.

Göran: and you? What did you do last night?

Frida coughed and at that moment Benny came down buttoning his shirt.

Benny: what your mom did last night is none of your business.

Frida: good evening Benny.

He hugged greeting her, the girls looked at him angrily because they hated the fact that he was with that slut instead of their mother.

Elena: do you have time for us?

Benny: I always have time for you. —hugged her—.

Elena: don't hug me that your skin smells like her.

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