The Parent Trap.

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Not every day you could see your kids graduate. A few more weeks had passed, Benny had had medical appointments as routine monitoring to make sure everything was going well with his evolution; neither he nor Göran already had the casts. That day was very special for them since three of their children would graduate and soon go to college. Paula had already finished dressing the twins, even though she was a little nostalgic because she was also supposed to be graduating, at least she was happy for her siblings.

Frida went to the bedrooms because they had to leave. She entered Ludvig's room and realized that he was having problems with his bowtie, she approached him and smiled at the same time that she prepared to help him.

Frida: you look handsome like that.

Ludvig: thank you, mom.

Frida smiled and her throat tightened, she was happy and proud; she loved it when he called her mom, of course she was and it was the most natural thing, but the connection was even more special. Once she finished straightening his bow tie, she looked at him for a few seconds and hugged him tight. Ludvig also hugged her feeling the warmth of his mother, he knew she was sentimental.

Frida: I love you.

Ludvig: I love you too but I think we should go now.

Frida took a deep breath and separated from him, in the end he was right and they didn't want to go against time.

Frida: we will be waiting for you downstairs.

Frida left the room, Fer and Ashley were also ready. Fer had a turquoise blue dress above the knees, V-neck cut and short sleeves, her hair was wavy. Ash wore a strapless magenta dress that fitted to the body, her hair tied back in a ponytail wavy and a necklace to give her body more elegance. Frida spread her hands so that her daughters could hold them.

Frida: you are beautiful...

Fer: you toooo!!

Ash: I'm sure I'll be the most beautiful at graduation.

Fer: what about me?

Ash: of course after me. But you will be more beautiful than Mariam the bitch. I swear I can't stand her and I'm happy I never have to see her again.

Frida: how modest you are, my daughter.

Ash: I know, mom... —she laughed—.

They decided to go downstairs, Benny was already in the living room, who had arrived and was talking with Elena, Paula and the twins were playing. He lost himself in his gaze when he saw Frida and automatically smiled, it was invitable not to be in a good mood when being near her.

Frida: Ludvig will be down in a moment, I think we can go to the car now. Paula, Elena and the twins could go with me as there is no space in your car for carsits.

Benny: yes, I agree —he woke up from his fantasy—.

Elena: okay but let's take some pictures before we go, —she got up from the sofa with the camera in her hand and shouted at her brother— LUBLINNN COME HERE FOR THE PHOTO.

Ash: save rolls for the night.

Elena: I have enough, dad bought me yesterday to spend them all today.

As Ludvig went down, she took pictures of Ash and Fer first, then with Paula and Frida and Benny joining in, for some reason lately she was very nervous next to him. They had divorced but there was nothing more beautiful than being together for their children, that bond would never be broken. Ludvig joined the photos and even the twins.

The graduation would take place outdoors, the day was beautiful in Stockholm. The sun was there but it wasn't too hot, plus the sky was blue and there was a cool breeze making everything look spectacular. In the place were already the others, Göran with Juju and Suzy, Heléne with Fabian and her husband, Peter and Nanne —the children were not there—, Hans and Ulrika, plus there was Lotta who had arrived a few days ago from New York, Jonathan was together with Peter's children.

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