He Is Your Brother.

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Paula helped Juju and then washed her face with the intention of returning to the classroom. She was very worried about her.

Pau: when will you tell my brother that you are pregnant?

Juju: I don't know, probably next week. But I'm very nervous, I don't know how he or the others are going to react.

Pau: I'm excited!

Juju: I don't know how I am feeling right now. We better go to classes.

Juju tried to smile, she didn't want to talk about it while they were at school, wanted to stay as discreet as possible.

At lunchtime, everyone was in the cafeteria for lunch. Göran and Juju were together while the triplets were at the same table eating what Frida had prepared for them to eat. Suddenly, a notice that came from the radio station of the school that was directed by Ludvig and another classmate during free time, came a statement in which he said "A girl from our school is pregnant," everyone was surprised and began to murmur, Paula was shocked at the moment she heard her brother say that and almost drowned in food.

On the other hand, Juju felt her heart froze and turned pale, Göran who had also heard, she stared at him and scared, how the hell had they heard?

Göran: who is the pregnant girl?

Juju didn't answer, she didn't know how to do it. Meanwhile everyone knew there was someone pregnant, but how much did they know? Paula stopped eating because didn't have her appetite anymore and went with them, Fer and Ash also followed her because they were curious to know. Göran grabbed Juju's hand but she had started to sweat, even how cold the weather was. Paula looked at her but Juju was in the worst mood, Fer and Ashley went with them but Paula did not even approach and continue on her way, she had to go to the radio booth to solve that.

When she arrived, the rector of the school was with Ludvig investigating what had happened because the scandal was spreading everywhere. Paula didn't want to approach because they could suspect her and on the contrary, she turned and left. Juju reached her and Paula could tell how angry she was, she didn't know what she was going to do.

Juju: we have to talk!

They went to the classroom that was empty because everyone was in recess and pending the new gossip.

Juju: How did they find out? —she sat at her desk wanting to cry—.

Pau: I don't know, I tried to talk to Ludvig but the rector is with him.

Juju: how much will they know? Who is doing this?

Pau: now more than ever you have to tell Göran.

Juju: I can't, I don't even know if I want to have this baby.

Paula's eyes widened when she heard her say that, NEVER thought she would hear her say it, she didn't even know what she meant.

Pau: what do you mean?

Juju: Paula, I've been thinking about it. I will barely turn sixteen, I can't be a mom.

Pau: are you sure? Are you sure you want to abort?

Juju was silent, her face showed how distressed and desperate for not knowing what to do, in fact, she didn't even know what was saying. At that moment the bell rang and everyone had to return to the classroom. They stopped talking about it and Juju made an extra effort to hold back the tears.

At the time of departure, everyone went out together because Frida was supposed to be the one to pick them up, as Göran and Elena went to different classes than the others because they met at the school entrance to wait for their mother. Juju was also waiting for hers but she was quieter and lost than usual, at that moment Frida arrived and everyone got in the car saying goodbye.

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