Hey, Hey Elena.

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Frida went home but her heart was in the hospital with her three granddaughters and her children. I didn't know where she got the strength to still stand, she felt like she would collapse at any moment, she was strong but she didn't give up anymore. Upon arrival, she had a while before the children returned from school and took the opportunity to take a hot bath, she needed it, needed to feel the water rub her body.

For some reason now needed more than ever to have her family together and in peace. She left the bathroom and had also washed her hair, as it was short she had no problems handling it. She lay on the bed for a while to rest but fell asleep for a long time.

Two hours later, all the children had arrived. Frida woke up confused because she didn't know how much she had slept. She yawned and heard someone speak in the hallway.

Upon leaving, there were her children who had already arrived from school and to her surprise her grandson Jonathan who ran to her and her daughter Lotta.

Jonathan: grandma !!!!

Frida: the king of my heart, —she leaned in a little to hug him.—

Lotta: hello mom. We came as soon as we knew that Paula was giving birth.

Frida: It's good that you've come, we have a thousand things in mind.

Elena: hello mom —she smiled falsely— apparently you already remembered that you have a house but you have forgotten about your youngest daughter.

Frida: honey, of course I haven't forgotten you. Your nieces are already born.

Elena: what do you want me to do? I'm not interested.

Frida: why do you talk to me like that?

Elena: do you think that isn't enough? Yesterday you left and never came back, you forgot that I exist.

Frida: that's not true, you know that my granddaughters need me.

Elena: but you are my mother, not their mother —she began to cry— you have completely abandoned me for them.

Frida: you can't be so selfish, what do you want me to do? I am exhausted and distraught, the twins still fight for their lives and I feel that I can no longer.

Elena: but who understands me? —kept crying a lot— I've always been the outcast, always. Do whatever you want. -she ran to her bedroom-.

Ash: this girl is too dramatic ...

Frida: maybe she's right, I'll go talk to her.

Frida entered the bedroom and found her daughter red from crying so much, she approached her and sat on the bed next to her.

Frida: why do you behave that way?

Elena: you have abandoned me, you have not even bought the plane tickets for France and it is next month.

Frida: no no, wait. That is what Benny has to do, not me.

Elena: but you know that he leaves everything for the last minute and you don't, you have to take care of that.

Frida: Elena, I can't take care of that now, I have a lot of things on my mind.

Elena: you have everyone in your head except me.

Frida: now you won't understand but I hope you can do it soon. I love you so much and it wouldn't be bad if you at least wanted to know how your nieces are.

Elena: I'm not going to ask because I'm not interested.

Frida: okay, I give up. I will sleep away from home also tonight.

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