An Angel Passing Through My Room.

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Frida was sleeping, she woke up embarrassed and quite scared, apparently she had had a nightmare but she didn't know exactly what it was about. Her heart was pounding, she was worried about something. She didn't look at the clock but since it was still night she assumed that it must still be 2-3 a.m. It usually dawned at 5 a.m. She couldn't concentrate and felt an immense urge to cry, she felt helpless because didn't know what it was all about. She got out of bed and looked for her slippers so she could leave the room. Looked in each bedroom and noticed that the only one that was empty was Fer's. She decided to go down to the kitchen, she could be there and indeed she was drinking water.

Fer: mom?

Frida: I also came to drink water.

Fer: I couldn't sleep...

Frida looked at her and her eyes watered, so she wasn't crazy? It was strange that her daughter was also having a hard time sleeping, but she didn't want to alarm her either.

Frida: did you feel good?

Fer: I feel like something is about to happen.

In that minute Frida couldn't contain her tears, she was dying of fear. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she needed to calm down. Fer approached her worried because her mother was somewhat pale.

Fer: are you okay?

Frida: I couldn't sleep either, —she tried to relax—but everything will be fine. Will you accompany me to pray an Our Father?

Fer nodded and followed her into the living room, where they could sit and relax a little more while talking to God. Frida closed her eyes and immediately tears started to flow from her eyes, she couldn't control it anymore. She felt very scared but she needed to find strength in God and ask that whatever she was feeling was just a bad scare, she didn't need anything unpleasant to happen in her life. She still felt the lump in her throat.

She opened her eyes because she could hear the cry of one of her granddaughters, it was not Giorgia or Lia, it must be Suzy. She and Fer looked at each other, Frida got up from the sofa still with the rosary in her hand and hurried upstairs to make sure everything was fine. She found Juju leaving the bedroom with her daughter in her arms while trying to calm her but apparently she was unsuccessful. Frida was even more scared.

She approached her granddaughter who leaned on her mother's shoulder while she sobbed, she didn't have a fever or anything like that. Juju caressed her back that was gradually calming down but they hadn't understood what was happening either because she started crying suddenly and usually she didn't do that and used to sleep the whole night.

Once Suzy started falling asleep again, Juju returned to the bedroom. Frida didn't go to sleep after that. She and Fer were sitting in the living room, neither of them said a half word all the time, they had long faces and Frida already had a red nose because she was crying silently. Fer moved a little closer to her and laid her head on her mother's lap, she ran her hand through her hair.

Frida: why don't you go and try to sleep?

Fer: I don't want...

She didn't finish the sentence when they heard the phone ring. Frida froze and felt her whole body go cold and her heart stop for a few milliseconds. Fer raised her head and they both looked at each other with red eyes, they didn't have the guts to answer. Frida was courageous, had to do it and get out of the doubts once and for all. There was her call that without knowing she was waiting for. She went to the phone, it couldn't be a mistake. She closed her eyes and picked up the call, she wasn't so sure she was ready to hear what they had to say.

Ash: Is anyone there? —she said nervously on the other end of the line because she was not talking yet but she knew that there was someone by the breath.—

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