Drunk and In Love.

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Björn had told them that Agnetha had had a miscarriage threat but that everything was already under control. That night when they returned home after having been to Frida, she was not feeling well and so they decided to resort to emergencies immediately. He also told them that it was not necessary that they go because they wouldn't be allowed to enter since to visit time in the hospital had ended. Benny went home and Frida finished collecting everything to go to sleep, she saw that the light in the girls' room was still on, which meant they were awake, but she didn't feel like going to talk to them either, because she also didn't know how to face Lotta after what she saw.

She put on her pajamas and tried to get comfortable, although she was sleepy she didn't feel like sleeping. In recent years, her Christianity had increased significantly, so she always had a rosary in her bedroom, that night she had the need to do it. She closed her eyes and began to ask God, her anguish was greater because she knew the great risk that it was for Agnetha to be pregnant at her age and now with the miscarriage threat.

After saying a prayer, she opened her eyes again, she did not feel that she was comfortable, she felt quite uncomfortable. She got up again so she could make sure everything was okay. She went to Elena's room first because she wanted to know if she felt comfortable but was already sleeping, apparently she was tired. Frida approached her bed and watched her sleep, her cheeks were very pink because apparently the sun had taken effect on her and tanned her. She was happy to have her finally at home.

She left the room and went to her granddaughters', it was dark but not so dark because there was a lamp that Paula always left it on, it illuminated the room with a very low light only so that it was not so dark. The babies were sleeping peacefully and in the most tender way, they had recovered with the passing of the weeks but still the scare that they were born premature remained there. Frida smiled when she saw them because they were a great gift, she looked at them and she couldn't believe how fragile they looked, nor could she believe that they had been born the same day as Suzy. It was the strangest experience but she was infinitely grateful, they were her delirium. Nostalgia began to invade her as she thought once more of Agnetha.

She sat in the rocking chair next to the crib because she felt more comfortable there, perhaps even to watch over the sleep of her granddaughters, but suddenly she began to cry silently. Suddenly all the feelings came together, she was crying for Benny too; she didn't know that everything was going to be so difficult, did not think that after four years divorced he would keep stirring her whole being and in her head like that.

Paula, who was just going up, saw that their room was open, since she hadn't left it like that, so she decided to enter and saw her mother. She approached her and noticed that she was crying although Frida tried to hide it as fast as she could, it had been in vain.

Pau: what do you have?

Frida: it's nothing.

Pau: you're crying about something.

Frida: Agnetha is in the hospital and I felt sorry for her.

Pau: What? —she said alarmed,— what does she have?

Frida: hush because the girls are sleeping,—she whispered trying to calm her,— she had a miscarriage threat but apparently she is already better.

Pau: has it happened now? Mom, don't worry, she'll be fine.

Frida: yes, Björn called recently.

Pau: why don't you go to sleep?

Frida: I amused myself here watching the girls.

Pau: go to sleep now.

Frida: wait, I want to tell you something.

Paula looked at her confused, she knew she was going to be sentimental and sat on her lap like when she was a little girl.

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