I Belive In Angels.

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"ABBA: Benny Andersson hospitalized.

The premiere of Mamma Mia! The Musical ended in tragedy. Benny Andersson and his son Göran Andersson had an accident early Wednesday morning when they allegedly were driving drunk, apparently the pianist is in a coma, however his son only suffered a fracture.

Sources have informed us that his ex-wife and mother of six of his children, Anni-Frid Lyngstad arrived in London on Wednesday at noon and went straight to the hospital.

ABBA has had many #1 all around the world and the new musical based on ABBA music apparently was a success but this was ruined with this new tragedy involving the Andersson-Lyngstad family. We hope father and son could recover soon."

Frida read the newspaper and immediately threw it on the table where there was a vase of flowers, Ash was feeding Göran and Frida was sitting "stripping" a little because she spent the whole night awake. They had not heard from Benny in a few hours and they were all desperate, the kids called from Stockholm every half hour and that made her desperate too.

Göran wanted to see his daughter and his fiancée, but he didn't want to leave his dad there. It was all a sea of ​​feeling that had him confused but Frida insisted that he should stay resting and recovering from the accident before deciding to do something else. Frida decided to go out for a few seconds to ask about Benny, she had to take advantage of the fact that Ashley was accompanying Göran.

Dr. House was just on his way to the Intensive Care Unit, he made contact with Frida but said nothing, at that moment she felt a pressure on her heart. She tried to say something but her speech didn't come out, two more nurses followed the Doctor and Frida couldn't see any more. She leaned out the door, which was half glass and the other of corrugated glass, but once they were gone, she lost their traces. She was sure something was going on with Benny.

She went to the desk where one of the nurses remained, who apparently called urgently to someone. Frida felt her hands begin to shake and suddenly her faith that Benny would be fine was slowly fading.

Frida: could you tell me if Benny Andersson is okay? —she was nervous and her hands were sweating.—

Nurse: sorry Mrs. Lyngstad. I cannot give you that information at this time. Better to wait for the doctor to come out.

Given that answer, she knew that something was happening, had no value for anything else. She felt short of air, she wanted to think that everything was a dream because her mind didn't conceive it, she couldn't believe that it was Benny who was struggling between life and death. Peter and Hans arrived noticing that she was not well and quickly helped her to sit down, Hans looked for a glass of water immediately.

Hans: are you okay?

Frida looked at them and didn't answer, a tear came out because she could no longer keep it even though she had tried hard. Peter frowned and went to ask about his dad, he was scared. Hans held his mother's hand trying to cheer her up but she didn't want anything, she was just going through a moment of weakness and anguish, she didn't want to speak.

Meanwhile in the ICU, Benny had had problems with his heart, his heart rate had dropped and so they had to go to resuscitate him, the doctors were trying hard to do everything possible to bring him back to life. Benny was aware from his subconscious of what was happening, he was dying. His soul was leaving his body.

He saw his whole life go by. All because of the damn alcohol. At 9:15 in the morning, Frida was having this anxiety and although she didn't speak or say anything she couldn't stop praying in her mind, she knew she needed to. At the same time in Stockholm, still desolate Paula was washing the twins' dirty bottles when she saw with her own eyes how one of the bottles fell, she looked terrified back and stared at it, her heart raced.

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