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The World Cup was over, it was time to go home. The sad reality. Elena was the most affected, they were already in Stockholm on the way home, her happiness had been short-lived. Frida, for her part, and although she had had a few more or less calm days, was excited because her children were returning, especially because she was very excited to see her two grandchildren.

It was 3:00 p.m., Benny had taken Marisol to her house first, it was the best thing for everyone and thus she saved herself from having to see Frida. When they got to the house, it was already full. Since it was summer, Frida thought that perhaps it was a good idea to invite the others. The family was long. Peter and Nanne with Charlie and Felix were there waiting for the fifth member of the family, Robin, to join them as he had gone with his grandfather to France.

Hans, Ulrika and Ilona were also there. It was up to him, together with Peter and Göran, to make the meat for the bbq. Of course, Göran and Juju were there with their daughter Suzy, who in turn was in the arms of her grandmother Frida. Agnetha and Björn were also. Heléne and her young son, he loved Lotta arms and she was eager to see Jonathan too. Eva-Lis - Benny's sister - was also there enjoying her nephew, nieces and new family members.

Paula, meanwhile, was sitting while feeding Lia and was next to Juju while they talked. They were all on the backyard enjoying a sunny day and warm enough to be Stockholm, 30 C, perfect for being outside. The travelers had already arrived, all making scandals with the exception of Elena who was quieter than normal, she was completely dressed in her favorite football team, she still had the spirit of the World Cup and wished it would never end.

Benny, we're here —he said, catching everyone's attention.—

Elena: we arrived —she said more discouraged—.

Pau: where are my drunk sisters? —She yelled at them—.

Frida looked at her and rolled her eyes, nor did she want to remember the stupidity her daughters had done a few nights ago.

Frida: welcome home, —she smiled at them.—

Fer: where are my babies? —she said holding Suzy who was in her mom's arms.—

Jonathan: hello grandmother, —he ran towards her excited to see her.—

Frida: did you like the trip? —she asked, and then leaned down to kiss him.—

Jonathan: we had a great time and did many things, —said excitedly.—

While everyone greeted each other, Elena only watched them from a corner with her ball in hand, she seemed to be upset with everyone but then she saw that her brothers Peter and Hans were making the food and decided that the smartest thing was to approach them.

Elena: hello, I missed you —she looked at Göran who was also there— except you.

Hans: hello, it's good that you're already home —he hugged her—.

Peter: did you enjoy the World Cup?

Elena: too much, I didn't want to come. It was all perfect —she showed a smile, the first of the day—

Ludvig: hello, losers.

Peter: look at you, you're tanned.

Ludvig: do you like it?

Göran: I thought you would come with a French woman.

Elena: Ludvig is gay.

Frida: did you forget that you have a mother? —got behind her.—

Elena: ho, —tried to smile.—

Frida: how did it go? —tried to find conversation.—

Elena: good!

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