Two For The Price Of One.

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Paula and Frida were sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office at the maternity clinic, they had a prenatal checkup appointment, her belly had grown enough to be only 12 weeks but they thought it was only because Paula ate a lot. She was a little anxious for what kept moving her legs, Frida noticed how anxious she was and put her hand on her thigh trying to calm her.

Pau: where is dad and why hasn't he arrived?

Frida: I don't know, maybe he had a lot of work.

Pau: if he didn't want to come he would have just ti say it.

Frida: don't say that...

Just then they saw Benny approach and Frida stopped talking because it was no longer necessary to excuse him. He sat next to Paula and kissed her forehead and then took Frida's hand to greet her.

Benny: how are you?

Paula sighed and didn't even respond, for some reason she was impatient and irritated. After a few minutes the nurse called them inviting them to the office. Frida and Paula sat down and Benny stood up after greeting the doctor, he had in his hands the results of some blood tests that Paula had done days ago. The envelopes were still sealed but first he would do an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay, it was the first one to be done. Frida helped her unbutton her pants and get on the stretcher, then she and Benny remained by her side.

Paula extended her hand so that her mother could take it, she was very nervous because it was the first time she did that and she just wanted to cry.

Doctor: Paula, don't worry that this is a simple process and it won't hurt, now we can see your baby.

"Your baby," she heard herself so strange, she still didn't get over the idea that she was pregnant, and the more they remembered it, the harder it made her believe. When did it happen? She had no other, the doctor put the gel on her belly and began to examine her. Frida was always holding her hand so that the process wasn't so bad. Everyone was watching the screen and everything the doctor did that hadn't said a word which was creating a lot of tension.

Benny: is everything ok?

Doctor: babies are fine, I'm just trying to see the bags.


Everyone looked at each other in shock, was the doctor confused? It had to be, Frida looked at the screen and at that moment she knew it hadn't been a confusion. She squeezed her daughter's hand because she knew that what was coming wasn't easy.

Doctor: yes Paula, don't you know that you'll have twins?

Pau: no! But why?

Doctor: your mother had triplets, these cases are very common when there has already been a case of multiple pregnancy in the family.

Pau: so, is this my parents' fault?

She sat without even allowing the doctor to remove the gel from her belly, fastened her pants and stood up.

Frida: where are you going?

Pau: I'm leaving, I don't want to know more.

Doctor: Paula, you have to try to calm down, this is normal and you won't be the first or the last.

Pau: I want to be alone, don't follow me.

Although they didn't want, they had to respect her decision, Paula cried out of the office, she couldn't believe it. Benny and Frida were also in shock.

Upon returning home Frida was angry because it seemed to her that Paula was being quite irresponsible and immature and her patience was slowly running out, there were too many things happening in her life and sometimes she didn't know how to endure them. Benny noticed how tense she was and stood behind her, taking her shoulders and starting to give her circular massages to relax.

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