Girl or Boy?

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A very important day had arrived for them, they were at the clinic because that day they would know the sex of Göran and Juju's baby. Agnetha and Frida were with her helping her drink water so that the ultrasound was clearer while Björn signed some documents and paid and Göran was with him.

Her belly had grown more, it was Saturday morning so in the afternoon they would have lunch with the other relatives in Frida's house. After waiting a few more minutes, the nurse called Juju and everyone got up at the same time. Frida was on her left and Agnetha on her right as the boys went behind them and walked down the hall to the room where they would do the ultrasound. Upon entering, the doctor was already there waiting for them and was surprised when she noticed that they were a lot.

Doctor: hello, good morning. Come through here, please, —she asked Juju, pointing to the stretcher—.

Agnetha helped her unbutton her pants and get on the stretcher, Göran also approached to help her, they were nervous because being first-time parents didn't know what to expect or how those procedures were. Agnetha gave a space so that he could also be there, Juju lay down while the doctor examined her medical record, while Benny and Frida stayed at the foot of the bed and Björn passed by her side as well. The doctor asked Juju to leave her belly uncovered and told her that the gel would be somewhat cold but that the procedure would not bother at all.

Göran: will we know at once if is a boy or a girl? is that we die to know, —he said desperately—.

Doctor: everything will depend on the position he or her is in but surely we can determine sex today.

Björn: well, because we already want to know if is Björn mini —he joked—.

Benny: you mean, mini Benny.

Juju: or simply Benny Björn Andersson Ulvaeus. BABU

Frida: don't even dream it, the two names are horrible and in any case, it will be a girl.

When Benny heard that Frida said his name was horrifying he reacted to it by spanking her in the ass but no one noticed, she tried to pretend like nothing had happened but honestly she blushed. The doctor in the middle of the discussion if would be a boy or a girl, put the gel and put the device on her belly to see first the position of the baby. was already quite trained, when Göran and Juju saw it they were surprised because already had more the shape of a baby, their baby. Was in a horizontal position and apparently was sucking the thumb, the doctor began to point everything out and explain that for weeks it was quite developed.

Doctor: at this stage you can talk to him/her because can already hear you perfectly.

Just then, while the doctor was talking, the baby opened the legs showing the genitals, the doctor focused more there and captured it by making a yellow line. The doctor smiled and immediately Agnetha, Björn and Frida realized that the doctor already knew the sex.

Agnetha: we are prepared to know, doctor.

Doctor: do I say it already?

Juju and Göran looked at each other and he squeezed her hand, nodding and the doctor kept pointing at the genitals.

Doctor: it's a girl.

Frida gave an unconscious scream of happiness and jumped like a little girl, Juju and Göran couldn't contain the emotion either and she started crying, it was a very emotional moment; Agnetha leaned down so she could hug her daughter and she was also crying, there were too many emotions.

Benny: won the team girl, we can no longer call her Benny Björn.

Frida: now she will be called Anni-Frid Agnetha.

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