Chapter 48: Oh, Baby!

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I got cleared from the doctor to finally have sex or other extra extraneous activities. I'm a small girl. So, when a big fucking baby busts out of you...

Long story short, I had to get stitches... I also had to wait 3 months to get them removed but there gone now so hoorah!

I'm going to put it all behind me... I mean, it's not like I can take it out on the baby... anyways.

I've been in the gym for a good two month now . Only doing arm workouts and whatnot. I'm glad to be able to go full force. I've been waiting on it.

So, of course, my first destination is the gym.

I will hit the gym for a hour or two then I will meet my sister at the airport. It's inching closer to my wedding day and she was nice enough to suggest flying out. She'll stay here in LA until after the honeymoon. I don't want her to pay for anything. Her, the bad ass kids and the hubby can stay at my place.

The nanny probably will be upset about not being needed but oh, well! She isn't family. It'll be nice. January is gone most of the time and the company would be great. Maybe my sister can help me with my first time mommy woes.

All that to the side, this weekend is all about January and I. I got us a nice hotel and I'm going to find me something sexy to wear and stuff to maybe decorate with.

This is a celebration!

I wore my gym clothes to the doctor so I could immediately head in that direction to my fave place. I don't why I was so excited but I just couldn't wait to get there to work on my legs; do some squats!

I pull up to L.A. Fitness and park flying inside.

Per usual, I'm greeted by an overzealous receptionist. She's used to seeing my face so she doesn't bother me much when I check in.

I wave to her trotting to the locker room. I put my things in a locker and lock it with a lock. I plug a earphone in each ear and hop on the treadmill zoning in.

I ran and ran until I felt like my legs would give before switching to the bicycle. I push myself pumping for a few more minutes.

I stop wiping my forehead with the back of my hand then taking a swig from my water bottle.

I hop off the bike glancing around the gym for the next machine I wanted to tackle. I saw someone walking real fast in my direction but my sight was that of a bat.

Once I finally realized who it was, it was far too late.

"Don't you dare touch me" I back up crashing into a nearby trash can. I glance around to see everyone so deep into their workouts that they wasn't paying any attention to me.

"I want to see our kid. Is it a boy or girl?" I am absolutely terrified. How did he find me in Los Angeles?

"Aidan, it's a boy but you know I have a injunction against you. You can't be within 1000 feet of me" I calmly state staying a safe distance from him.

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