Chapter 39: Confessions Pt. 2

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


I pull my shades off allowing my eyes to adjust to the setting sun. I rip the hat off my head smoothing flyways with the palms of my hands. Most of the party returned to their hotels but a good few still lounged around the pool drinking beer and smoking weed. It wasn't much I could do but sit at a safe distance and watch.

"You're alright, baby?" I smile at January glad to see her. I smirk from ear to ear "I'm good" I beam; she sips on a beer. We gaze at our friends and family acting like animals in the pool. My eyes land on Lailah in a black bikini. She was beautiful. I couldn't really compete with her perfect body or her luscious hair.

"Hey" I tap January on the arm "Take me to the bathroom" she places her drink down to do as told.

I intertwine my fingers in her leading her in the direction of the toilet. I take care of my business and come back out. "Are you okay?" she inquires scratching her head. "I actually wanted to talk to you" I reluctantly admit.

She gazes at me worried. "Alright," she fiddles with her fingernails. I sit on the bed and pat the space next to me. She shuts the door hesitant but takes the seat. "I'm scared" she discloses before I could even begin. I laugh "Why? You act like I'm gonna bite your head off" I cross my legs "I don't bite".

"Samantha, I'm dead ass. I'm a little nervous" I push all the fantasies of pouncing on her fucking her brains out somehow pregnant out of my head. I had to get to the bottom of this Lailah thing.

"Fine, I didn't even really want to ask you but it was brought to my attention" I pause and study her facial mannerisms before saying "What happened between you and Lailah?" disgust smears her appearance.

"Why?" she stands up and paces the room after a few seconds, her tracks come to a halt 

"She's been talking shit about me?"

"From time to time," I disclose. 

She's irate; I tell her to chill out and sit back down. I was utterly confused by the way she was acting. "What she told you, man?" I observe her every move and don't open my mouth until she decides to relax.

"Long story short: she said you two dated and you're a bird" she was enraged again.

"A bird? Dated? We barely dated. She was always all up in my damn face practically begging for me to fuck her- she wouldn't go away. I gave her what she wanted hoping she'll fuck off but that only made shit worst" Now, I was bewildered out of my mind. This was some typical he-say-she-say bullshit.

"She a fucking hoe, bruh" she paces back and forward once more "She a fucking hoe. She fucked a whole bunch of my friends, came between me and a bunch of friends and then she got pregnant by God only knows who but she could've been lying because next thing I know she had a miscarriage" her face was getting redder by the second as I tried to calm her.

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