Chapter 41: Sunflowers & Honey

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Lailah should count her lucky stars and it's not like I don't feel bad for what I did to her. We have a lot of history. I was getting myself into a lot of trouble when I was dealing with her. I was hurt. I knew I wanted to be with Sam deep down and I couldn't understand how shit was without her. I was honestly destroyed in the inside and I turned to drugs and alcohol.

I have plenty of nights that I cannot remember for the life of me; most of it is a blur. Majority of it is a blur.

If Lailah really wanted to say some shit, she had dirt for days. That's where I am confused. I just wanted to know what her intentions were but also understand everything doesn't need an answer. Somethings are better left unknown.

I had one thing left to do.

I was going to permanently end things between Lailah and I. I was starting a new chapter of my life with Samantha.

I had a ball in my throat; my heart was racing around thumping against my ribcages. I was scared. I did not even have the slightest clue of what I was going to say. All I knew is I just wanted to put an end to all the leftover baggage. I was engaged and that was that.

I was not going to spend the rest of my life bottling up my mistakes wishing Lailah just would have realized I was trying the best I could. I'm sick of wondering about the things that transpired between us when I can barely even connect the dots.

Samantha excuses herself, allowing us to have some privacy. Her steps resonate down the hall; the sound fades away. I could feel my heart stiffen and my sweat production system kick in; nerves pulsing my skin.

I took a deep breath "Lailah" I begin, I couldn't believe I did that to her face.

"You want to start this conversation off?" I question, pushing my hair behind my ears.

"Not really" she admits. I smear my sweaty palms across my black joggers.

She awkwardly stands about "Oh, okay. Well, the party is over now. We agreed that's when you would leave" I inform scratching my neck- you could cut the tension with a knife. "I know." she nods looking at me with saddened eyes.

"Can we go somewhere more private?" she pleads looking around.

"Yeah, yeah" I lead her outside; everything was the same. The decorations untouched bringing back so many memories; I block it out. I shut the double door and we sit on the pool chairs.

I peer over at balloons and bottles floating in the pool like a dead carcass. As if it smelt, the memories mask my brain all in one quick flash. I tell myself this is inevitable and it must be done. I go inside my pocket pulling out a small ziplock bag and places it in her hand.

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