Chapter 50: Drug Induced

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I finish the last of my makeup smiling at myself. I fluff my hair adoring what I see in the mirror. I snatch my phone off the bathroom counter, and a wave of relief rushes over me. It was 8:30 PM.

"Would you look at that" I praise aloud. 

I finished with 15 minutes to spare. I waltz out of the bathroom to January sipping a glass of wine at the bar. I'm sure it's Pink Moscato.

It seems like she was sulking, maybe expecting me to be late but... Ha! I am not.

"Oh, thank God! I was beginning to think we would be late!" January sighs wiping imaginary sweat off her forehead.

"Stop being extra. How do I look?" I ask giving her a pose.

"Good enough to eat" she pulls me close placing a gentle kiss on my lips; careful to not smudge my lipstick. She gives me a twirl admiring the burgundy dress I threw on. 

To be honest, I didn't pack for a 'surprise' and by surprise, I mean leaving the hotel. I would have preferred chilling and being lazy all day. We could've caught up on a few movies and T.V. shows I've missed... but I digress. I brought along a few vintage pieces that were of various sizes.

I can't fit into most of my go-to pieces or the little sexy black dress. Gosh, I actually would buy things skin-tight. I mean, I wasn't the smallest. I was an 8 in dresses but, I'd squeezed into 6. I am a 10 in dresses now. My wedding dress is a 6. I know you're thinking like just get it altered to the size you are at now.

No! That's not an option and will never be one.

"Where are we going anyway? And you look damn good yourself" I say snuggling in her embrace.


"Can't ruin the surprise" she dotes releasing me. 

"Are you ready?" she adds grabbing my hand. Her eyes fall to my ring " I can't believe this shit, yo" she geeks before kissing my knuckles.

"What?" I question leaving to grab my purse off the nightstand.

"Our life. You. Us. I'm grateful. I'm humbled. I don't have the words-"

"Did you smoke?" I inquire, raising my left eyebrow.

LASCIVIOUSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora