Chapter 44: Questions

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Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


I fold my arms against my chest. I had been observing January glued to her phone for the past 25 minutes. Yes, I am counting. I don't care.

She leaps from the bed and disappears into the bathroom.

I roll my eyes sucking my teeth "and where the hell is she going?"" I mumble to myself.  My feet were swollen beyond belief so it was no way I could get out of bed to investigate. I had to patiently wait for her to return before I could beggar her with questions.

10 minutes flat, she was dressed from head to toe and out the bathroom.

"Do I really have to ask?" I huff watching her frantically pace around the room.

"I am about to go down to some bar with B" she informs dropping to her knees to look under the bed. "What are you looking for?" I question growing frustrated with her scavenger hunt.

"I got it" she slips the Cartier bracelet on her wrist.

"That's a $6,000 bracelet. You should keep up with it" I nag; I brought her that! I will be pissed if she loses it.

"Ya'll went out last weekend and the weekend before that. I thought you would stay home... with me" I pout eyeing my future wife looking a little too good.

"Would it kill you to hang out with me?" I cry running my fingers through my hair that was now all down my back. The baby is doing my skin, hair and nails wonders!

"Baby, you're 7 months pregnant we can't do much and besides, the baby will be here soon. We won't have any time to think about going out" she replies putting on the finishing pieces to her outfit.

"B said she is having a bad day and she needs emotional support. It's 8 o'clock. I don't plan on staying out long" she insists giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"That's a recipe for disaster. What? She broke up with that little thot pocket she was wining, dining and chasing around?" I whimper not wanting her to fall into the trap. I smell the bait! She needs to wake up.

"Yes. She did but it doesn't matter. I have self-control"

"I sure do hope so!" I grab her face and plant kisses all over it. "Behave yourself" I lecture kissing her once more before she grabs her keys vanishing.

I sigh grabbing my phone off the nightstand dialing the only other number I could.

"And why are you calling me on an off day?" Ophelia sasses into the phone.

"January is hanging out with Berenice again. Please come over. I'll pay you"

"You had me at 'pay'. I'm on my way." The phone hangs up.

I pull my swollen pregnant limbs out of the bed and into some bedroom slippers. I waddle straight to the kitchen in search for Nutella.

"Where the... fuck... is it?" I search through cabinets and cabinets, the pantry and anywhere else it may be. I open the trash seeing the empty container.

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