"An armory?" Daryl asked, he had been on watch, but when Beth started singing he had come over to listen as well.

"That would be outside the prison itself, but not too far away. Warden's offices would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine."

"We're dangerously low on ammo. We'd run out before we make a dent." Hershel stated, hoping to change Rick's mind, but it was already made up.

"That's why we have to go in there Hand to hand. After all we've been through, we can handle it, I know it. These assholes don't stand a chance." Rick finished speaking, looking at Carl and I with a smirk before walking away to patrol the fences again.

Everyone was quiet for a minute until Lori began to get up, "Well, I guess I'll go try to talk some sense into him." I moved to help her, but she put her hand up to me. "I'm fine. You stay here."

I watched as she walked away. I didn't take my eyes away from her. I was scared if I did then something would happen.

"You've been so worried about her ever since the farm. When are you going to stop worrying?" I heard Glenn's voice from the other side of the fire.

"When I know that her and that baby will both be okay." I stated, looking over at the Korean. He had grown a lot since the farm and I didn't see him as the 'kid' everyone used to call him.

"They will be. I think this place will be good for her. And us." Maggie insisted, in a motherly way. She reminded me so much of my mom with how encouraging she was.

I nodded at her with a smile on my face. Hershel slowly stood up, dusting himself off. "I guess we better do what Rick said, and call it a night."

Everyone said their good nights and picked a spot for them to sleep on the cold ground. I got up and ran over to Daryl, who was headed back to the overturned bus to keep watch. I tackled him in a hug, "Goodnight, Double D."

It took him a minute before he patted my back, which was his version of a hug, and grunted, "Goodnight, Squirt."

I let him go and then walked back over to where my bag was. Earlier in the day, I had chosen a spot farther away from the fire because I wanted the others to have a little more warmth. On the road, I had picked up a sleeping bag and also found a jacket that held some warmth, so I felt as though I'd be warm enough to last the night.

I was already sort of shivering, so I slid the jacket on and crawled into the sleeping bag. Tonight felt colder than usual, since Carl and I were normally piled up into the back of a car with someone else, so I tossed and turned for a while.

Eventually I heard footsteps coming towards me and felt a sleeping bag being placed next to mine. I rolled over to see Carl crawling into his sleeping bag. "Carl, what are you doing? You should be by the fire with your parents." I stated, shivering a little.

"I saw you were alone. It's colder over here, and with you being so small, I know your body doesn't produce a lot of heat. I came to keep you warm." He stated, placing his hat beside him.


"Just get over here." He interrupted me and open his sleeping bag for me to crawl in. I did as I was told and didn't regret it. I unintentionally snuggled into his chest. The heat that he gave off had satisfying shivers running down my back.

He chuckled at my shivers which caused my cheeks to become warm. "Shut up." I muttered, ducking my head into his chest.

"Okay, Highlights. Just try to get some rest." He moved a little to get comfortable.

"What about you?"

"I'll fall asleep after you. I don't feel like getting hit by you because of my snoring." He chuckled a little.

"Alright. Goodnight, Blue Eyes."

"Goodnight, Highlights." I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep slowly listening to his steady heartbeat.


"Hey Shortcake." A voice whispered to me as someone nudged my arm. "Emily, wake up."

I groaned and rolled over to see Rick standing over me. "Go away."

"I need your help with something. Get up and don't wake your boyfriend up." He whispered before walking away towards a guard tower.

I raised an eyebrow, confused on why he would tell me not to wake up my boyfriend when I don't have one. All until I felt someone shuffled behind me in the sleeping bag. It was then I remembered that Carl and I shared a sleeping bag last night. My cheeks warmed up rather quickly.

His arm was secured tightly around my waist, so I had to slowly crawl out from his grip. Once I was able to stand, I could hear Carl groan. I winced and turned to see him roll over. Once his snores filled my ears, I left out a breath of relief then grabbed my bag.

I ran over to the guard tower where Rick had gone before. He was at the bottom standing next to the fence that led into the prison, where all the walkers were. I had gotten used to their groans, but it didn't mean I liked it. It was an every day thing now, so I had learned to block the sounds out.

"Rick. You needed my help?" I spoke up as I came up behind him. He turned abruptly to face me.

"Yeah." He muttered in a scruffy voice. He ran his hand through his hair before allowing it fall beside him. "I wanted to let you have a choice in how today is going to go."

"What do you mean?" I looked at him confused. I never helped him make decisions like I once did.

"You get to choose if you are going in there and helping us fight today or stay out here."

I'm super sorry for the long hiatus and the short chapter. I know it's disappointing, but I have been super busy. I've been loaded with college work. I have also been really sick, so I am so sorry. I am going to begin working on the next chapter now, but I do not know when it will be out.


I'm Not Who I Thought I Was: Carl Grimes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now