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YuJin's P.O.V

"Eomma, how have you been?"

I smile, looking down at the slab of stone. "I finally have a job!" I chuckled. "Hopefully I do well in the showcase so it can be a permanent job, I hope you're rooting for me up there."

I continue to rant about the things that had been happening to me recently, as though she was right there in front of me.

Funnily enough, this was the most I ever talked to her in my life. "Sorry, I've been ranting for a while now. I guess I'm trying to mask the fact that I so badly need to cry right now." I laugh to myself sadly.

"This is the most I've ever gotten to speak to you, & that hurts. That despite the fact that you were my mother, I never really knew you all that well, & you didn't ever really know who I was either.

You know, sometimes I'd look at other mothers and daughters as they spent time together : shopping, eating together, even just talking, laughing and hugging.

I can't remember the last time I hugged you eomma, & that hurts. When was the last time you held me in your arms and told me I did well?All those years I worked so hard just to hear at least one praise from you.

But I got nothing. Not even an I love you too, several times I heard the sound of the line disconnecting over the phone when all I wanted in return was for you to say you love me.

I wish you didn't work yourself like this Eomma, I wish you were here right now to tell me everything would be ok. I just wish I could hear your voice again.

I can't believe it's been 5 years since I got that call, telling me you were gone. I love you so much Eomma."


Somehow, I found myself sat in a bar, ordering the strongest drink they had.

Downing one drink after another, attempting to wash away any trace of pain and sadness with alchohol.

But all it did was add to the unbearable pain.

I raised the glass to my mouth to sip, a sour taste entering my mouth, leaving a burning sensation on my tongue and at the back of my throat which made me wince.

I thought it would turn down the volume on my thoughts, but it only amplified it by 100.

I got up, having enough. I didn't know where I was going but I continued to walk absentmindedly nonetheless - as though my legs were walking me and not vice versa.

Soon enough, I found myself walking into the JYP building. The world around me was beginning to spin a little, as I dragged my feet through the dormitories.

"Where's my room?" I slur a little, my mind hazy.

I stumble into one of the rooms, but the sight I see when looking up pulls me back into reality a little.

Jaebum & SeoYoon kissing.

My breath was caught in my throat, a lump forming in there as it felt as though concrete was drying in my chest and someone had just grabbed a hammer and obliterated it to pieces.

My mind seemed to be short circuited for a moment ; the sight of their lips against each other making my mouth go dry. & it felt as though one of the shards from my heart lay achingly in the pit of my stomach.

They pull apart upon my entrance, I watch as SeoYoon looks at me with a smirk, her hands on Jaebum's shoulders.

I look at Jaebum, his dark eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't decipher with my hazy mind.

"S-sorry." I splutter, attempting to walk out without tripping over my own feet.


Jaebum's P.O.V

"Come in."

I say blankly in reply to the knock on my door. I turn around to see Kim SeoYoon with that permanent smirk of hers etched onto her face.

"Jaebum, I've been meaning to talk to you." She says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear attempting to be seductive which makes me mentally cringe.

"About what?" I reply nonchalantly, looking back at what I was working on.

"About us. Come on, don't act oblivious, we both know that there's a spark between us. It's undeniable!" She exclaims unnecessarily loudly.

"Ms Kim, I hope you know that you are being extremely unprofessional right now." I state.

"Oh come on, tell me you don't feel anything when I do this."
I furrow my eyebrows confusedly, "What are you-"

Before I can finish my question, I feel a pair of lips on mine taking me by surprise. They felt cold and rough and completely unnatural.

The sound of the door opening snaps me out of it and I push her off disgustedly, before looking up, only to see Lee YuJin at the door.

Her doe eyes looked pained, the honey brown orbs glossed over with tears. Her pillow pink lips were slightly swollen and reddened, alongside her cheeks and the bridge of her nose which were dusted a light shade of red.

Had she been drinking?

Her bottom lip was slightly quivering and she had to bite it to stop it from trembling - that alone caused a pang of pain in my chest.

"S-sorry." She finally choked out, before turning around to exit, stumbling over her own feet in the process.

I quickly got ready to run after her, only to be pulled back by Kim SeoYoon.

"Let me go." I growled, I didn't have time for her stupid antics.

She pouted, "Let's continue where we left of Jaebummie." She smiled, running her fingers up and down my arm.

I jutted my chin out angrily, glaring at her before glaring at  her hands that were placed daringly on my arm.

"You make me sick, please respect yourself enough to not throw yourself at people whenever you get the chance."

double update bc i love ya'll🥺.

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