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YuJin's P.O.V

"Wait, you haven't come out to me yet?"

I stare confusedly at his shocked face. I try to remember having a conversation with Jimin where he confirmed his sexuality, but I guess he really didn't tell me.

"I could've sworn you did." I muttered, before looking at him with a smile. "Well surprise, I know you're gay." I smile widely, making him tear up and hug me tightly.

"God, I love you." He manages to say through his tears. I pull away and wipe his tears, "Silly, why are you crying? You should be proud of yourself for accepting who you are, not everyone has the courage to do so. I'm proud of you, & I love you." I say with a smile before he pulled me back into a bone-crushing hug.

I look at Jungkook who was standing in the corner of the room with a smile, accompanied with a shade of red dusting his cheeks.

"So Operation Jikook is a go?" I whisper into Jimin's ear while we hugged making him instantly pull away and stare at me wide-eyed.

"How do you do this, woman?!"


"You will need to write a song, it should be about something you feel strongly about. We want to really feel the lyrics."

Youngjae continues to explain our next task as I listen intently. I was gonna work harder than ever before, I was determined to redeem myself, & I was gonna do whatever it took.

As we were dismissed, I rushed to get my notebook and laptop, making my way to an empty studio and setting my stuff down.

It was a songwriting task, and we were supposed to write about something we feel strongly about.

I sighed for the nth time as I scrambled for ideas, messing up my hair frustratedly. Why couldn't I think of anything?

I thought, as I sat there balancing the pen on my upper lip absentmindedly.

All of a sudden, the door to the studio opened and Jaebum walked in, making me drop the pen, startled.

He sighed frustratedly, running his hands through his hair as his his jaw protruded slightly in annoyance, his old habit.

Damn he's hot.

Hm who said that wasn't me anyways moving on.

"Is this what you're doing when you should be working hard? Are you trying to embarrass me?" He gritted angrily.

I stared at him, something I feel strongly about huh? I continue to stare at him, only making him more frustrated.

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" He yells, making me snap out of it. What am I thinking?! Jaebum can't be the something I feel strongly about. Can he?

"I'm so sorry sir!" I quickly say, embarrassment washing over me as I bow apologetically, cursing myself mentally for just sitting there and staring at him.

"I'll work hard." I say, too embarrassed to look at him in the eyes.

"Eye contact." He demands lowly and I swear I lost it for a second. I looked up at him, his jet black icy orbs delving into mine, sending shivers down my spine.

"Don't embarrass me." He says before exiting and I release the breath that I didn't even realise I was holding.


"Sir, how would I merge the two?"

I ask Jaebum, my voice quiet out of fear of angering him. We were both currently in one of the studios, I was working on my song and he was working on some of his own stuff.

He was only here because he needed to watch over me and assist me as my mentor, as the rules read. I, however, was a complete klutz with the computer programme so every 5 mins I'd have a question.

& every 5 mins my fear would grow, scared that Jaebum would just explode with anger.

As for my song, it turns out I feel very strongly about Jaebum. So strongly that the lyrics were just flowing out of me effortlessly.

Even now as I look at him, his face serious and eyebrows sloped in concentration as he wrote in his notebook from time to time and listened intently through the headphones, testing what sounded right, I was in awe.

I snapped out of it, clearing my throat and trying to banish any thought of Im Jaebum. Granted, it was a little difficult to do given that he was right next to me and I was working on a song I wrote about him.

When I finally completely worked out how to use the programme, I got started, focusing on making it as perfect as could, I was determined to redeem myself.


I remove my headphones and look up to see a very sleepy Jimin walk into the studio.
"Jimin? What are you doing here?" I ask.

He turns to Jaebum, only now realising he was here, before bowing and turning back to me.
"It's late and you hadn't returned yet so I was worried and began looking for you." He said.

I looked at the clock.
12:34am? Holy shit.

Doesn't matter, I need to make use of all the time I have.

"I'm gonna stay here and work on it for longer, just go to sleep, I'll be fine." I reassure. He puts a hand on my head making me smile.

"Don't be too late." He warns like a father making me chuckle, "Ok Jiminnie, now go to bed you're tired."

He ruffles my hair before turning to Jaebum, "Good night sir." He bows, before turning around to leave, emitting a cute little yawn with his arms outstretched, lifting his shirt up slightly which reveals his squishy little tummy.

Jungkook definitely tops.

I turn to look beside me, a smile still etched on my face, but it falters when I realise that Jaebum had been staring at us the whole time annoyed, which only made me nervous though I'm not sure why.

"If you're done saying your goodnights to your boyfriend, get back to work."

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