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YuJin's P.O.V

"If you're done saying your goodnights to your boyfriend, get back to work."

Part of me wants to laugh, but the other half is annoyed and really wants to snap off Im Jaebum's head right now.

Even if Jimin was my boyfriend what's it to him? I can say goodnight to my boyfriend if I want to say goodnight to my boyfriend even though he's not my damn boyfriend.

Shut up Lee YuJin.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I raise my voice slightly but instantly regret it as soon as I see the scary look on Jaebum's face which sends chills around my body.

I slap my mouth, instantly apologising with a bow, "I'm sorry sir." I keep my head held low, hearing him sigh frustratedly.

"Just get back to work." he warns lowly, making me gulp and without hesitating I turn back to my computer.


I looked at the clock which read 2am as I yawned for the nth time, looking at Jaebum who was miraculously still wide awake and working like there's no tomorrow.

I began to doze off, my head falling forwards whilst I attempted to shake off the sleepiness. Till finally, I allowed it to take over.



Thats the only word I could think of. It was familiarly comfortable, like home.

I attempted to snuggle deeper into whatever it was, trying to gain as much warmth as I could.
But it was only when I felt skin, that something clicked in my head.

I opened my eyes, scared to see what I had gotten myself into this time. Hesitantly, I looked at the position I was in.

& holy fuck I'm so screwed.

I had fallen asleep on Jaebum's shoulder, snuggling deeper and deeper into his neck, my arm draped across his chest whilst his was wrapped around me tightly.

& because we weren't on two seperate chairs, but rather it was one large seat in front of two computers, we were much closer than we should be as I had snuggled into his chest - practically on his lap.

I look up slowly, scared to see how annoyed he is ; only to see him peacefully asleep.

It was moments like this that left me in awe, how can someone that's so short-tempered when awake be so peaceful when asleep?

I stared at his face, yearning to trace his features like I used to all those years ago. Across his sharp jawline and slender nose, the way his soft pink lips were slightly apart as he quietly breathed.

The way his lashes rested upon his high cheekbones, & the two moles above his eye that I was ever so fond of.

In that moment I wanted to do nothing more than touch him, as I slowly outstretched my hand, missing him more than I ever have before.

But I can't.

I quickly snap out of it, realising that nothing will ever be the same again, too much has changed.

He doesn't love me anymore.

I try to get out but his grip is too strong, until finally I manage to break free. Only to be abruptly pulled back into his warm embrace again, as he pulled me deeper into his chest which startled me.

I struggled to get out of his grip again, his arms tighter than before. Well there's only one thing I can do now, wake him up.

But I don't want to, he's so peaceful.

Oh shut up and wake him up.

I tapped his arm a little but got no response, I tapped it a little harder and this time he groaned lowly, stirring in his sleep before opening his eyes.

"S-sir." I stutter awkwardly, my cheeks burning up. I'm pretty sure I'm a blushing mess right now.

He looks down at me in his arms confused for a good 10 seconds or so. Till finally, it registers in his head what had happened and he pulled away quickly.

Oh great I'm cold now.

"What did you do to me?!" He stares at me wide-eyed and looks me up and down like I'm a freak - his voice hoarse and low making my heart skip a beat.

"Me?" I say, shocked. "You're the one that pulled me back in when I tried to get away!" I say, but instantly regret it as it only leaves awkwardness and a shade of red on both of our cheeks.

"Well then, goodnight Mr. Im." I say hurriedly without making eye contact, bowing quickly before grabbing my stuff and exiting, almost stumbling with how fast I was trying to get out of that room.

How am I still breathing right now?


"So, how is Jikook going?"

I say, wiggling my eyebrows making Jimin blush and throw a pillow at me. We were both lying on his top bunk, our feet planted on the ceiling as they tangled together.

"I know he likes boys, but I don't know if he'll like me..." He trails off sadly and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Are you being serious right now?" I ask. "Are you like, completely oblivious to the way that boy acts around you? He looks at you like you're the only person in the room, his face lights up when you smile or talk, or let's be honest, even when you just breathe."

Jimin looks at me like this is news, "Are you sure?" He asks. I flick his forehead to which he yelps and rubs his head with a pout making me instantly regret it.

"I'm sorry Jiminnie, I just needed to bring you back to Earth and open your eyes." I pout, rubbing the spot I had flicked him on apologetically.

"I'm gonna do it." He says, to which I look at him confusedly. "I'm gonna confess." He smiles, "I'm gonna confess to Jeon Jungkook!"

Before I can even say anything, he jumps off the bunkbed and runs out, I smile to myself as I watch him run back in and look in the mirror.

He fixed his appearance before turning back around to me, "Good luck." I say and he breathes in and out, attempting to calm his nerves before nodding and running back out.

"Fighting!" I yell and hear a thank you being yelled back in return making me laugh at his cuteness.
I suddenly look at the clock and my smile falters.

Holy shit, I was late for my studio session with Jaebum.

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