Safe Now

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this was a weird dream of mine 🤷


Y/N's POV (Stranger)

"Mom, what's the plan?" I ask, shaking and a few tears run down my cheek but I do my best to get my shit together.

"Okay, whatever you do, do not wait for anyone else, okay? There's a mine down this building and that means there's ladders going up and down to the mines. It's found in the 30th floor. What we'll be doing is going up because the ladders go all the way up to the roof of the building. The roof of the building contains 4 helicopters and we'll be taking off with that." She says to me.

"Okay, Y/N. Whatever you do, do not wait for anybody else." Michael says as he watch me intently into my eyes. He's a family friend and his family and my family were in vacation. Well, until the virus was spread to the area.

"Do you understand? I don't care who the fuck they are but do not wait for them at all cost, okay? Even family." He adds and I nod, shaking from fear.

They keep repeating what they're saying. It's annoying but then again, it's a good reminder.

Standing their, I saw an old woman staring at me. Feeling uncomfortable, I shift around. Why the hell she staring at me?

"Ma, why is she staring at me?" I nudge my mom.

"Sh, we're about to go." She brushes me off.

I could feel the burning sensation of her stare and it was killing me. I sigh and look around, everyone was panicking. I was surprised that I was this calm, I'm usually crying and having panick attacks from scary movies so really I was a little proud of myself. Though I was shaking and shedding a few tears.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I look back to see the old lady with an angry expression.

"Uhm.. H-hi?" I look at her. She was holding a small automatic umbrella. You know? The small ones that you push a button and it opens. Yeah, that kind of umbrella.

Without even realizing it, she swung it at me. Snapping me out of my thoughts, I was quick to cover myself with my hands.

"What the hell, old lady?!" I shouted at her but she didn't stop. What was wrong with this oldy? Do I look like a zombie to her?

I slowly try to get up and when I did, I gripped her shoulders so she would stop.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I shouted at her with fire in my eyes. I wasn't just gonna let her give me a beating for no reason at all, and in the middle of a zombie outbreak.

"Come with me you little twat!" She pulled me by the wrist, I tried to pull away but it was no use. 'Wow, granny has a good grip.' I thought.

"Officer." She tapped the security guard that was busy with the door because of all the panicking people going in and out for God knows why. Well, to be fair there is a zombie outbreak.

"This young lady over here is touching me and I don't like it." My eyes went wide and I felt more anger boil my blood even more.

"What the hell?!" I was so shocked. This lady, this old lady that has been staring at me for the past hour, comes up to me and assaults me for no reason in particular, and now is accusing me of molestation when in reality, I've never even dreamt of touching anyone in that way, shape or form!

Thank God the security guard didn't care, though he had an confused face.  I turn to my back and gasp when I didn't see my family.

"Fuck!" I said and jumped from fear. I quickly go in, passing the people that's panicking to go out the building. Actually, I think it'd be much safer if they locked the building and the people just chill inside so the zombie wave in this city would pass by and we all could just go our separate ways.

Running through the building I sprint to find the thingy my mom told me. I go up to the elevator and push the floor thirty. I had tear stains running down my cheeks but right now it didn't matter, at all. Though I still wiped it.

As I exit the elevator, I was bumped into a slightly bigger body.

"Fuck!" I cursed and rub my head as we both fell on our butts. I look up to see a black haired woman also rubbing their head.

"Hey, you okay? I'm sorry." I ask the woman when I saw her.

"Yeah." She groaned and looked up. I gasp and my eyes lit up.

"Who are you with right now? Come on let's get out of here to a safer place." I said.

"Really? I'm with my baby sister, Maddie."

"Where is she? Come on let's go, we gotta hurry." She nods. I stood up and I help her stand as well, and she went sprinting to a room.

"Faster." She stated and looked at me and nod. I lead the way to the ladders. And I was scared because it had dark hallways.

"Ma?!" I whisper shouted as my body trembled.

"Y/N?" I heard a faint echo and I look back at the two and gave an reassuring smile.

"Down here, where are you?"

"Go up, we'll wait for you." I look back at them and motioned for them to follow. Slowly going up the ladders, my hand hurted but I still did my best.

"I'm Y/N by the way." I smile and looked down at them as we kept climbing towards the roof.

"Demi." She said as she looked up at me, meeting my gaze she smiled.

"And Maddie down there." She giggled.

Getting to the top, I cried happy tears and ran up to mom and wrap my arms around her.

"Where were you? I was so worried I lost you." She said as tears form in her eyes but I wipe them away.

"An old lady bothered me. Also beat me but let's not talk about that." I giggled and she chuckled.

"So, who's that friend of yours, little bug?"

"Oh, this is Demi and this is Maddie. Demi, Maddie, this is my mom." I introduced them to my mom and they shake hands.

"Okay, enough with that shit. Let's go we're gonna be late with the plan." We look at Michael and nod. We all go sit on the helicopter, helping Demi up she smiled and thanked me.

Me, Demi and Maddie got settled as the others got what they needed.

"It's gonna be fine Mads." I heard Demi whisper.

"We're safe now."

Safe now. Yeah, pretty sure y'all safe now.


this was such a random dream that i had to write about it! it was better when i dreamt of it but this is good enough to illustrate 🤷😂

Demi ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon