Looking At You

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long time no see!


Y/N's POV (girlfriend)

It's a beautiful sunny Saturday. The birds are chirping, the water's calm and collected and me and my girlfriend, Demi, are currently at the beach right now.

I was sitting at the shade, letting my hands graze the sand as my girlfriend played with the dog in the waters.

I smile as I watched them. Batman running away from Demi as she ran and chase the little black bundle of joy. Looking to my right, I pet Ella as she whimpered.

'She must be tired already.' I thought to myself and got up to get some water.

Taking a few videos and pictures, I felt eyes staring at my dime.

I look around seeing all the guys and gals with their teeth sunk into their bottom lip as they watch her ass fly up and down. I felt rage but I didn't blame them. My girl is fine as hell.

Taking one last picture and video of her, I took a towel and got up to get my baby. I couldn't stand them people staring at my girl as if she was a meal. My blood is boiling.


Demi's POV

Giggling at Batman as he got sand and water everywhere to him, I suddenly felt a hand grab me and pick me up.

"What the hell!" I squealed and I heard a growl letting me know who it was.

It was Y/N. My girlfriend.

I let out a giggle as she wrapped a towel on me, just like a burrito.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper-shout to her as I felt people stare at us, but she didn't care.

"Every-fucking-one that is here are staring at you I don't like it! You're mine, and only mine." She growled and I giggled, biting my lip. I loved it when she was jealous or overprotective.

She picks me up, with ease, and holds me up bridal-style.

"I look like a burrito!" I state and laughed but she kept a poker face. I tried to wiggles a little but she just held me tight into her arms.

"And I'm gonna eat you like one." She mumbled but I heard. My face was quickly painted a dark shade of red and I whined and hid my face in the crook of her neck. She chuckled as she kept walking to the beach house.

She walks in and goes up to our room. Gently setting me down on the bed, I break free from the towel ans she licks her lips.

"Come get your burrito papi." I wink at her and her eyes turn into a darker shade than before.

"I'll eat you like your my last meal." She licked her lips and quickly got on top of me.

"They be looking at you but your mines." She forcefully attacked my lips making me moan. She pulled away a little with my bottom lip between her teeth.

"Only mine." She growled.


y'all miss me? my internet had an error for a week but now it's fixed.

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