The Only Lovato

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I think I'm sick.


Your POV (Girlfriend)

It's been a few days since Demi, my girlfriend, and I talked. We've been together for a couple of years now but had a miss understanding a few days ago. She has been ignoring me and giving me the cold shoulder and I can't with this, I miss her, so so much. It's hard living with someone you love so dearly and not get to touch nor talk to them, maybe even not in their eyesight. Ugh.

Right now I'm just getting ready for a date with my brother and her girlfriend, which he'll introduce me to and I'll be interogating the shit out of her. My brother is like a girl, such a softy, emotional, sensitive boy. Or man, i don't know.

I told Demi I'll be meeting with my brother and asked her to come with me. She said yes but then we had our miss understanding and I don't know. I hope she comes, I miss her.

I get my outfit ready.

I get my outfit ready

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(Y/N's outfit)

I did my hair and makeup. I put the outfit I picked and made my way to Starbuck where I'll be meeting my brother's girl.


Demi's POV

I've been rooming in the guest room for days now. I feel so guilty right now. My girlfriend, Y/N, and I have agreed that I should go with her when she goes and meets her brother and hang for a bit. But for the last couple of days. I haven't been answering Y/N's texts and calls and I feel so miserable without her beautiful ass by my side. I've been such a bitch to her and I hope she can forgive me.

Should I show up? I mean, I did promise her.. Fuck.

I get up my bed and rushed to the bathroom with one sentence in repeat on my mind. I hope she forgives me.

 I hope she forgives me

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