not so silver lining

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not so silver lining


sidewalk, not sidepark. but still those tire marks have me glancing down from an upturned chin, from the hasty cruel environment. learn to stand, fight you sideways, crossed and bent. learn to walk, tumble grace and double the velocity. learn to talk, improperly but hopefully, a nitpicked gray blue melody.

bend-over bones and kick hopscotch heart. jacks and screws, bounced last and senseless. nice rift, nice words, even a pair of needy hands desperate to prove. where's the pamphlet - you know, that pastel paper that advises one what to do should the product malfunction?

had to relearn how to walk, stretching into the sky. it's taxing and emotional. still so rough, you beat up box, off-kilter at the center. pull pull pull, fourth position confuses your feet but your mind more so. is it inability in a truer sense or it is a biting accusation? time never told, won't divulge its secrets to ears willing to listen.

I swear I had some memory box sentences, but they drained out in the bath. the less you think the more things pang, because we are all so destined to be pained.

untangle, retangle but prettier this time. disaster looks so much nicer when it smiles at you, when it has its homework turned in on time. manage in the ways you can, for they're the only ways you can, for what else could there be but endless pages of underlined topics and disappointment?

the underlining of the topics clouding up above would end up ruining the clouds, a fury of graphite streaks turned sparkling and sharp.

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