Chapter 22 - The Past

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"Wait up, [indecipherable]!"  Tabris giggled, chasing after you.  You both were rushing to catch up with Anauel, who had flown ahead.  They always had been the fastest of you three, as well as the youngest.  He had made them after you and Tabris, so it made sense for them to be better.

"Then catch up!"  You sang back, teasing.  

It was one of those rare times where you were allowed to play, to decompress from your training.  You three were angels, warriors of God, and so you had a duty, but you did need time off every once in a while, lest you play during sparring and make too many mistakes.

"No fair!  You know you're stronger!"  And indeed you were, your wings larger than Tabris's.  The both of you soon made it to the meeting spot though.  Anauel was stretching their wings wide, basking in the sunlight.  Your eyes glinted when you saw them and you attempted to sneak up on them.  It was more of a joke than anything, as Anauel was amazing at sensing other angels, even if they tried to be stealthy.  

"Tabris, [indecipherable], I know that you're there."  They smiled and turned, and adoration filled your chest.  You respected them so much.  

"Well, how perceptive of you, Anauel.  You're getting better."  You plopped down on the cliffside with them, kicking your legs over the edge.  

"No, you're just extremely noisy.  You're very loud."  You gasped at their bluntness, pushing at their arm in mock hurt.  Tabris soon joined the both of you, sitting on Anauel's other side.  you three all looked over the city you would be assigned to protect once your training was finished, and pride filled all of you.  None of you could hardly wait to be able to do your job, to fill your purpose exactly as it was laid out in front of you.  You were happy to do it.

"How much longer?"  Tabris asked aloud for anyone to answer.  Anauel and you both knew what they were asking.

"Not much longer," you whispered.  You were nearly there.

The afternoon continues as it always does and the three of you go back to work as you knew you should, practicing the drills until you could do them without a second thought, and then still past that.  You would be perfect warriors, as you knew you were made to be.

"What's that?"

It's ages later, you don't know how long, as time doesn't seem to exist there as it does on the realm of the humans, in Assiah.  You and Tabris are together, and there is something that Anauel is holding, the next time you have a break.  They have something neither of you have seen, and you both lean forward, seeing what it is they have. 

"Isn't it cool?"  Anauel showed it off, but you didn't know what to think of it.  It was unfamiliar and strange and so of course you were curious.  There were many things you knew about, but this was strange.   "I got it from Vretiel.  You know how they sneak to Assiah all the time."  And at that, you grew uneasy, but Tabris was not so apprehensive.  

"Can I hold it?"  They looked to be enthralled by the object, which you had deemed dangerous.  You moved to intercept the both of them, but Anauel had already handed it over.

It glinted in the light, giving off a strange hue you'd never seen before.  You couldn't deem what it was or what it was made of, but you warned Tabris to be careful.  You didn't want something to happen, you didn't want to get in trouble, though none of you had ever been close to anything like that.

You didn't remember much of what happened from then on.  You only remember the pain of having your wings clipped, and the color of Anauel's blood.  It was very unlike human blood, which was a bright scarlet, Anauel's was iridescent, it shifted between a million colors in the blink of an eye .  You remembered Tabris's sobs, and you remembered taking the blame.  And then Tabris... also dying.  Word was that it had been on the battle field against the ones who resided in Gehenna, but you didn't believe it.  Not after what they had done.

Not only to Tabris but also to you.  You would never fly again, never see your wings out spread as you soared.  You didn't blame them, but they did.  And nobody else can say what had happened on the cliff side.   You were the only one who knew and you were now cast down by your Creator because of it, name forgotten by everyone but your vessel, who'd heard your story and believed it.

She didn't think anyone who cried that hard could have been lying, and she had been dying anyway.  You had saved her as she had saved you, both someones who had lost it all.

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