Chapter 6 - Strike 1

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Rin wasn't sure how he was going to win your heart, but he knew he was going to. He was allowing himself to ask three times before giving up. You were a worthy target, so the blue eyed boy was challenging himself.

"Hey, [y/n]-chan! Wanna go get ice cream with me after class?" You thought about it, debating in your mind, before accepting.

"Sure. I don't see why not." Rin grinned and went off to sit. Yukio separated the two of you once he figured out you were distracting each other, and you now sat in the middle of the classroom.

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He had never been this nervous before. Rin had told Yukio about the date, but beauty mark had no input on the matter. "You're on your own, brother. Good luck." Rin was cursing his twin, but realized how wild the butterflies were in his stomach.

When he saw you waiting at the front of the bakery -Simply Treats- his breath was taken away. Your hair was held back by a flower, your face natural except for your favorite (Chapstick/lipgloss/lipstick) he knew you always had with you. The clothing you wore fit your personality and they were casual compared to the school uniform.

Masaru was watching behind the counter inside of the shop, seething with rage. How come Rin could take you on a date and he couldn't? Never mind the baker had never asked you more than your name...

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"So, uh, [y/n]. How are you liking cram school?" He felt his heart pounding, and Rin was just trying to make small talk while the two of you ate your sundaes.

"Well, I get to see you more than I used to, and I get to learn a bit more about exorcism than I did just training with Yuki-chan. You don't learn much by only shooting a gun, no matter how beautiful that gun I'd say I'm liking it a lot." Rin could listen to you talk all day, your voice like silk to his ears. The entire time the two of you spent talking, Rin forgot about his objective, and simply allowed himself to converse with you about meaningless topics that passed the time.

Strike one, Rin.

Rin Okumura x Reader - JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now