Chapter 2 - Something New

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Was it worth it? Currently, you were being bombarded with questions. Yes, you were new. No, you've never kissed anyone before. Yes, you realized you were pretty. No, you didn't have a boyfriend. No, you wouldn't go out with him. No, you wouldn't tell him why.

Who was asking all the questions? One boy with pink hair. This is why you didn't want to do cram school. Sure, you always got good marks, but you weren't exactly what most would call a 'people person', whatever that was.

Class hadn't yet started and you were fed up with the pinkette. "Why don't you wait for Yuki-chan to get here? He'll say my name in surprise." The boy, who you eventually learned was named Shima, raised an eyebrow at how you referred to Yukio-sensei, but shrugged it off and went to sit by the other two monks.

You sat down in the first desk in the second row when you came in and waited patiently for the teacher. A blonde girl came in next and blushed when she saw you. She immediately started to stutter out her name. At least, that's what you thought it was.

"Your name is Sheimi?" The nervous girl nodded vigorously. "Cool. I'm [y/n]. Nice to meet ya." The girl nearly passed out just trying to walk to the table and chairs behind you.

When Yukio finally came into the classroom, you half smirked, half smiled, taunting him with your gaze alone. It was priceless to see his eyes nearly pop out of his head. Confusion was plastered all over the usually stoic face.

"[y/n]? What are you doing here?" You chose to roll your eyes as if the answer was obvious. Which it kind of was very evident. Even pinky behind you figured it out.

"I enrolled. You kept saying how I'd be able to see Rin more often, and I figured that you were right. I look forward to seeing him. Speaking of which, where is he?" As you said these words to Yukio, his twin burst into the room spilling excuses as well as apologies. He froze when he saw you.

A large, adorable smile broke across his face. "[y/n]-chan!" Rin moved to your side so fast, it was almost inhuman. He hugged you nearly to death, but you returned the favor. "It's been forever! Are you a student now?" His head tilted the side and you had a strange bubbly feeling in your stomach. What was that about?

"Yeah! I get hang out with you whenever I want to now." You nodded with a quirked eyebrow, lips pursed. Rin nearly giggled and Yukio 'tsk'-ed.

"Alright class. That's enough excitement for one morning. Let's get started. Today..." The droning of a professor replaced his normal voice and you settled in your chair to pay attention to Yuki-chan's lecture.

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