Chapter 20 - Branded

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"Why, of course I knew. I could tell from her aura alone that she was dishonored by Him." Mephisto was behind his desk, drinking tea. His hat was sitting beside him so his ridiculous cowlick was fully exposed. He took a sip from his cream and pink colored tea-cup. "Why do you ask? Did she say something?"

Yukio and Bon were standing before the demon in a respectful manner. "No," Yukio began. "But one of the students saw her back. This could be a potential disaster if word got out that we were harboring one of her kind here, especially if it was a student who ratted." The boy didn't doubt that your secret would he kept, he just wanted something to threaten Mephisto with.

"Ah, but how do you know that she's an offense?" Mephisto leaned forward and set his cup down. His fingers interlocked to form a steeple.

"I did some digging sir. I'll admit, I didn't believe that she should exist, but I trust Father Fujimoto and he was the one who told me about the fallen. I went to the library and read some of the old books. It's a prime offense to disobey His word, and if He cast the," Yukio hesitated to use the word 'angel.'  "Warrior out of Heaven, He had a reason to do so, and they were meant to live in captivity or with their brethren in Gehenna. It's beyond me how [y/n] can walk around and exist in Assiah though. It should be impossible." Mephisto smirked.

"Oh, but Yukio. How do I exist in Assiah?"

"You po-" Yukio froze. The only way for demons to exist in Assiah is to posses a person or object.  He and Bon realized this at the same time and looked at each other.  Who was [y/n] possessing to exist in this world?

"Perhaps, you boys should ask the girl in question about herself? Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and I'm sure she's no different." Mephisto smirked like he was proud of the fact that he knew things that no one else did, or the fact that he was always one step ahead.

- - - - - - -

Bon usually gave you dirty looks in class due to the fact that you had dyed his hair once in a totally hilarious prank, but he didn't look at you once in class.  You got a closed-off kind of vibe off of him, and it was concerning.  The last time you had felt that...

Run could feel your unease.  He grabbed ahold of your hand to calm you down.  When you glanced at him, he gave a reassuring grin, even though he didn't know why you were feeling off.  You smiled back, and you felt Yukio glaring at the two of you. 

"[y/n], please stay after class.  I'll write you a pass to your next one, but I need to have a word with you."  He didn't know why he was approaching you so openly, but you thought it was about the slight PDA that Rin thrived off of.  At least the two of you had enough common decency to not kiss in class.

Rin dropped you hand and continued his work while you did yours.  You really loved him and was hoping desperately that your past wouldn't catch up to you. 

You didn't know that it was already beginning to.

After class, Rin squeezed your hand once more, still feeling that you were off before he went to his next exorcist class with most of the rest of the class.  You stood before Yukio, and when you glanced around the room, you saw that Bon had not moved an inch when the students were dismissed.  He sat, still as a rock, in his desk with his arms crossed.  He was staring straight forward, but with how loud Yukio was speaking, it seemed he was a part of whatever it was that you were being talked to for.

Yukio took a deep breath.  "[y/n], I'd love to approach this subject with care, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that, especially since this situation puts countless individuals in danger."  He cast a level look at you, taking in your unconfident stature and confused expression.  You were scared, though Yukio don't know it was from what he was going to say or not. 

"[y/n], you've been a great friend to me for the last decade or so, but I really need to know how you're residing in Assiah.  I know what you are, so there's no use in hiding it.  Why are you here?"  Your heart leapt.  He was blaming you, accusing you in a poisonous tone, of what you didn't know, but he started off the statement so nice before transforming into someone like You knew before.  Tears stung at your eyes.  Did Bon know as well?  You glanced at your chicken-haired friend, but he was still staring forward, as if he was forcing himself to listen to your answer. 

You shook your head, the first few tears starting to fall.  "Yukio, I-"

"I thought you were a good person?"  Yukio realized that the worst things he ever says come out in anger, and this was no exception.  He had said harsh to Rin before, and they mended the break between them, but Yukio didn't know you as well as he had his brother.  Your frame shook in an attempt to not break down sobbing right there. 

"I very well could say the same about you, Mr. Okumura."  You stormed out of the classroom, openly crying now, and ran away, wishing so badly that your wings hadn't been wrongly clipped.

Rin Okumura x Reader - JealousyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu