Chapter 7 - Strike 2

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Rin wasn't sure why he hadn't been able to ask you out last time, but now was his chance. The two of you were walking along in the hallway to Yukio's classroom.

"Rin, you're hilarious! Have you ever tried comedy?" You were currently laughing your butts off because of a joke Rin had cracked about Shima's intolerance to bugs of any kind.

"Nah, I've kind of been busy training to kick Satan off his soap box. What about you? You're funny too." The half demon boy had his signature grin displayed on his face. You didn't know what, but there was something about this boy that made you want to tell him everything. You couldn't tell him one secret though.

"Nah. I've got stage fright." Lie. "I've tried once, and it didn't end well." Truth. "I find practical pranks to be much more amusing though. And that also means that dependent on who I chose my victim to be, I could get some exercise running from them." Rin didn't know that you were a prankster.

"Really? What have you done?"

"Well, I've replaced Yukio's glasses cleaner with one saturated in ink, I've changed Shima's lunch with twenty seven giant earthworms, stolen Shura's bikini top, and Sheimi woke up with whipped cream all over her face one morning. Polka-brow's familiars were licking her all day." Rin had to stop walking because he was laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry, that's just so priceless! I've tried to do pranks, but I always get caught in the process." The boy began to then pout. You smiled.

"Well, that just means you have to practice. I've done countless pranks, and I've gotten caught before. Especially in my earlier days. I was terrible then. I though taking the stamps off of letters was the worst thing anyone could do. I mean, especially since I couldn't take the stamps off." Rin's chuckles rang through your ears.

"Then what *did* you do?" You thought about that for a bit, having been a few tricks since then.

"I think...I stole people's clothes when they were in the bathroom or hid tools and things when they were needed most." Rin got to thinking.

'You're what I need most.' He was about to voice his thoughts, "[y/n], I, uh-" but was cut off by a loud, pissed off growl/scream from down the hall.

"Oh sh!t. Sorry Rin, we'll have to take a rain check on that thought of yours- Bon found out it was me!" You took off, an angry looking teenager running after you, his normally blond streak now dyed purple. How you did that, was beyond Rin, but one thing that wasn't, was the fact that he just hit strike two.

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