Chapter 5 - Convince Me

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Every day. He asked you every day. You always rejected him, but he was relentless. Shima was constantly trying different approaches, but never found the one that appealed the most to you.

He doesn't realize that you don't want anything extravagant. You want a simple invitation to be his girlfriend, but proof that he'll be loyal at the same time. You just had an odd perception of dating because of your dad. You saw it as a trial, a try out, a test, as to whither or not you'd want to marry that person. Your father taught you to become best friends with someone before you ever thought about asking them out.

Another awesome piece of advise, this time from your nanna, was to never accept anything from a man that you couldn't afford yourself. Last time Shima asked you out, he asked you to a fancy, five star restaurant. No way could you have accepted. This has been going on for two months.

"Shima, let me interrupt you for a moment. What's my favorite color?" He looked a bit confused.

"I don't know. Should I?" Rin happily supplied the correct answer. You thanked him.

"Yes. At least, if you're asking me out you should. I was taught to get to know someone before I accept an invitation such as that or ask someone to be my significant other. Shima, when's my birthday?" He again didn't know, but Rin did.

Bon decided that he wanted to stir up some chaos. "Does that mean Okumura has the best shot at dating you right now?" You suppressed a blush at the thought of dating your friend.

"Yeah, I suppose so." The said demon heard, and smiled that familiar grin of his. He relished the thought of being able to kiss you whenever he wanted. He decided that he wanted to date you. He had thought that you were beautiful and wanted to inquire as to if you wanted to go out with him, but he knew about how weird you were when it came to dating. He'd seen you decline plenty of boys, and didn't want to risk rejection. When he heard this, he resolved to win your heart no matter what. The blue eyed boy was going to claim you as his.

Rin Okumura x Reader - JealousyWhere stories live. Discover now