Chapter 21 - God's Army

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"Even in the beginning, there were dark forces. With their presence in this world, God required an army, and so He made one.

"They were all beautiful, and yet terrifying.  They had two forms though, so that they would not scare God's favorite children, the humans, when they went to protect them from evil. 

"God called these gorgeous creatures 'angels' and when not on Earth, they were allowed to show their true form.  No human has ever witnessed an angel's true form, not without dying, so we know nothing of what they look like.    The tricky part about angels is that they look exactly like humans when walking among us. They don't want to upset God by showing their true form and killing us all.

"At least, that's how it used to be. A few rules were written over time, and now an angel has to posses a human, or 'vessel' to exist in Assiah, and not only that, they require that human's express permission.

"The thing with The Fallen though, is that they're essentially demons after God expels them from his army, but they still require the consent. At least, that's most commonly accepted. There are rumors that, because they are banished to Gehenna they don't require the permission. 

"To be cast out of God's army, one must do something so terrible, not even He can forgive them, and God can forgive a lot of things.  He never holds a grudge, because that's childish.  Like me, apparently.

"But there has never been proof for any of this to be true, so the fact that we may know not only an angel, but a fallen one, is scary.  The Fallen are untouchable, shunned by their brothers and sisters, and shunned by the humans who worship God.  We are in a dangerous web right now, because we lost that Fallen One, and the exorcist council will be outraged if they found out, so we must find that angel.

"If we don't, we'll all be locked up and questioned, and if any of us god something about her, the council will know.  They will find everything out, because they have access to powerful creators that can pull any information from a subject, willing or not. 

"Unlike angels, humans are unkind.  We are lucky that God loves us so, and that he told the angels to protect us, because if He hadn't, we would not have lasted long as a species.  Angels are powerful, and even more so after falling, because they no longer have the limitations of God stopping them from running rampant. 

"The only reason none of you have heard this before, is because it's all strictly classified.  I'm not even supposed to know this, but Mephisto kindly shared this information so that you would know what you were going up against when you undoubtably get sent to find that Fallen One, and I don't want any of you being killed.

"Because Fallen Ones are so dangerous, it's easy to find them when their angry.  Well, it's easy for other angels to find them, and there are certain ones that God especially loved, and He will not blink an eye if any one of them kill their fallen brother or sister.  They were already dead to Him as soon as they committed whatever heinous crime that they did. 

"And these angels will also get away with killing a human or two if they get in the way of the Fallen One. 

"I want you all to go to Mephisto and receive an angel tome.  Those books are not supposed to be in your hands, so be careful with them, and study them.  I want each of you to find a way to stop an angel, repel an angel, track an angel, trap an angel, and if necessary, even kill one. 

"Remember, we are God's favorites.  He won't object to you doing that, if it was in self defense, so don't think of them as any different from demons.  Except for you Rin, you cannot harm a single feather, because you are not fully human. 

"All right, are you all clear on your assignments?  Because you have a week.  I want you all to spend as much time as you can, because it's crucial to find [y/n], and bring her back.  Am I clear?  Go."

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