Chapter 11 - You?!?!

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You were all unsure on what it was that had killed Alyx, but you knew that it wasn't human. Whenever the news came on, Konekomaru or Izumo were notified on their phones. Yukio was absent trying to solve the case so we always had some random low class exorcist watching the class when you were supposed to be using your workbooks and packets.

Yukio had a lot of work ahead of him in trying to grade them all.

"Bonbon~" He glared at you, still angry about the hair dying incident.  It actually still had traces of violet in it. 

"What?" He growled, trying to do his school work.  You were bored at the moment, and decided that he was going to be your plaything for the time being.

"I wanna play a game." he grimaced.

"What kind of game?" his voice was leaking his hesitance. His eyes were narrowed, his schoolwork forgotten. You smirked.

"I wanna play 'Never Have I Ever.'" He looked at you.

"Okay.  As long as everyone else plays."  He looked at all of the other students.  Nobody protested so you continued.  Everyone put up their hands...thirty-five fingers went up.  Bon, Shima, Konekomaru, Izumo, Shiemi, Rin, and you.

Bon started.  "Never have I ever failed a test."  Rin, Shiemi and Shima all put down a finger.  Next was Shima.

"Never have I ever failed to flirt with a girl."  Everyone put down a finger.  Bon, Shima, Shiemi and Rin losing.

"N-never have I ever...been on a date." Koneko stuttered. Shima looked down, but didn't put down a finger.  Everyone was shocked.

You giggled.  "So, Shima?  You've been flirting with every girl in existence, but every single one turned you down?" You and Rin had both put down a finger. Shima pouted.

"Never have I ever killed a plant." Shiemi smiled, putting her finger down since she had never been on a date.  Bon put down a third finger and Shima a second.  Shiemi had a look of horror on her face.  " didn't think that anyone had actually killed a plant!"

"Never have I ever been kissed."  Izumo was speaking in her usual prissy tone.  Nobody put down a finger.  She rolled her eyes, tied with Konekomaru.

It was Rin's turn.  "Hmm...I don't know.  Never have I ever turned a library book in in time?"  Everyone groaned and put down a finger.  Bon was left with one. 

You thought.  What had you never done?  "Never have I ever...uh..." As you spoke, the substitute started to talk, the door having been opened.  The intruder saved you from having to think up some nonsense.  Everyone turned to look, the game forgotten as the newcomer stalked into the classroom. 

"Uh, class?  This is your new student.  Everyone say hi."  Shiemi was the only one to do so.  The stranger was wearing a long dark cloak that covered them head to toe.  They kind of stood out. 

Everyone was huddled around Suguro's desk whispering what to do.  Rin decided to go out in his own.  Again.

"Hey!  Who're you supposed to be?" He was up in the person's face, which was covered by the hood.   The person looked up.

A smile was seen on their face.  The mysterious being stood abruptly, shocking Rin.  The blue eyed boy fell to his butt and looked up as the figure before him dramatically threw off his hood.   A dark haired boy was standing there with brown eyes flashing.

You're eyes widened and the rest of the room was confused.  The boy spoke.  "Rin Okumura!  I am you're worst enemy, and my revenge will be had!"  Rin tilted his head.

"Huh?"  He didn't remember who they boy was.  But you did. 


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