Chapter 10 - An Example

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'Yellow police lines once more encircle another dorm here at True Cross Academy as a murder was committed last night. We are unsure as to what it was exactly it was that took the life of a poor Alyx Hubbard, a simple fifteen year old student here. Her best friend and roommate, Yumi, is here as a witness.

"Yumi, could you tell us what you saw last night?" '

The girl was trembling from fear of what she had seen in her quarters the previous evening.

' "It was terrible, a monster of the likes I've had the pleasure of never meeting even in my nightmares, but I've somehow been unlucky enough to meet him in reality."

"Could you describe him for us, Yumi?"

"I didn't see him clearly. I was too panic-stricken. What I did see scared the daylights out of me!! I distinctly saw two glowing red eyes before falling asleep and disregarded it. When I was awoken by Alyx screaming, I saw the creature above her broken body-" '

Yumi broke off her own words with a sob, recalling details for the reporter. The said woman pat Yumi on the back in a sense of comfort and gave the crying girl a look of pity and of sadness.

' "I'm sorry, I, I just remember blood everywhere...even on the ceiling!"

"It's okay Yumi, you're safe now." '

A familiar face walked on screen, hugging the girl to his chest. The boy was but fifteen, and had three distinct beauty marks on his face. The mousy haired boy shocked the girl when he hugged her, promising he wouldn't let the monster harm her. He had no clue as to what the demon was, and was unsure as to if it was a demon at all.

' "Yukio, it scared me so much!"

"I know, Yumi, it's alright now, but I need you to calm down and answer the nice reporter's questions, alright?" '

She nodded.

' "Okay, do you remember what time it was when you called the police?"

"Yes. It was 1:53 and the man on the other end of the phone was really nice to me despite the horror leaking through my voice."

"Alright. Sweetie, we'll be working as hard as we can to find whoever killed your friend, and we'll be sure to put him where he belongs." '

The reporter was making rash promises to the scarred teenager before her, while Yukio took her off screen and asked her different questions.

All of the boy's students were watching the news on Konekomaru's laptop instead of doing study hall like they were supposed to. Everyone was on the edge of their seats until the reported finally uttered,

' "More news on this story at nine. Bob, the weather?" '


Congrats to vocaloidgeek14 for winning the mention!!

Rin Okumura x Reader - JealousyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora