Chapter 18 - Secrets

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Dedicated to @TeamLeo26Brason and @AMS477

You forgot how boring actual school was.  You sat next your boyfriend, so that was a plus, but he was distracting you big time.

And for you guys to stay in the cram course, you had to be passing your regular classes as well, which is how Rin came to need a private tutor.

"Didn't we just have that study group?" You groaned. "Why didn't you get any help then?" You took one look at his paper and scowled while he pouted. "You were already helped with this homework!" He shrugged.

"I was distracted. I wasn't paying attention to Yukio because I was too busy watching an angel." He tried to hold your hand as if a few nice words would convince you to help him.

They totally would.

"Fine." You were way too soft on the blue eyed boy, but you really couldn't help yourself - he was just so sweet, and heavens know you liked your sugar.

"Yes!" Rin's eyes and nose scrunched together in his grin and you realized how much you liked that face on him. "Thank you so much, sweetie~" he kissed your cheek.

"Wow, you have terrible aim, Okumura." You rolled your eyes and he looked confused. "You totally missed." You pulled him closer for a real kiss.

"Y'know, I could really get used to that." He kissed you again, loving every moment the two of you were connected.

"Hey..." You spoke between Rin's barrage of kisses on your lips and cheeks. "What would your brother say about this?" You smiled. Yukio still wasn't happy about Rin's hanging out at your house or the fact that the two of you had already slept in the same bed.

Yukio was highly traditional, if it wasn't clear.

"Mhmmm..." He pulled back. You noticed that you two had shifted from siting up on the couch to Rin leaning over you. He went back to siting. He launched into a perfect impression of his brother. "R-Rin! It's bad enough the two of you are alone! At least keep your hands to yourself!" And he mimicked the sound and motions of spraying you with a spray bottle.

You giggled. "Oh no! Kissing!" You sat up to meet Rin in another kiss.

- - - - - - -

Bon had always been suspicious of you. His gut was never wrong, and it was consistently telling him that something was off about you, he just couldn't place what it was. He was intent on finding out what was different about you.

His first try at spy work was locating a source. He was going to try one of the girls, and as Shiemi was also close with Okumura, he didn't want her telling him anything that he was poking around about, because then he'd tell you, his girlfriend. He'd have to go the Izumo route. Not that it's any more fun.

"Hey. Has [y/n] told you about anything recently?" God, why is he so direct? He can never can beat around the bush, can he? He was consistently beating himself over that. Izumo didn't seem to mind.

Much. She narrowed her eyes. "Why?" She was still skeptical. That's right, she didn't like Bon.

"If I tell you, you can't say anything?" This would be an odd alliance. She nodded.

"Who would I tell? Her boyfriend? Her best friend?" She rolled her eyes. "Why do you want to know?" She was also a very straight forward person.

"You know that feeling when something doesn't seem right?" She nodded, telling him to get on with it. "Ever since I met [y/n], something has been amiss. My gut has been telling me that she's not supposed to be here, but I can't figure out why."

Izumo nodded. "Now that you mention it..." She looked him dead in the eye. "She has wings branded onto her back."

Rin Okumura x Reader - JealousyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora