Chapter 1

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Twelve year old Adrien held a toy airplane in his hand, as he made whooshing noises and airplane sounds running around the living room. Amelie, his mother, was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine, but mostly watching her son have fun. Unlike other kids his age who were only interested in video games, Adrien still found enjoyment out of action figures and toy vehicles. For a twelve year old, he sure did act as though he was five.

Adrien held another airplane in his hand, moving it around the previous airplane as though to avoid a collision. "Oh no! We're going to crash! We're all going to die!" He made faint screaming noises as he made the people in one of the airplanes go crazy. "Brace for impact!" He slowly made the airplanes collide and made an exploding noise. He pretended that little men jumped out of the airplane just in time before the collision, using parachutes to safely float down to the surface. "That was a close one, Pilot Agreste." One pilot said to the other. Adrien used his deep voice for "Pilot Agreste."

"Indeed it was, Pilot Jones."

"What do you say? After we land, let's go eat some croissants and cookies."

"That's sounds wonderful!"

"Oh, Pilot Agreste!" Amelie singsongs, as Adrien looked at his mother disapprovingly now that his game was interrupted. "It's time for your piano practice."

"Aw, Mom. Do I have to?" Adrien groaned, wanting to play. "The teacher didn't give me new sheet music, and I already perfected the other songs."

"You know the rules, Adrien. You need to practice your piano. You don't want to upset your father, do you?"

"But Mooom, Father won't care if I play for only a little while, would he?"

Amelie pondered for a second, taking that thought into consideration. She closed her eyes and sighed, a small smile taking place. "Tell you what. You practice your piano for only half an hour today, and you can play for the rest of the day. Okay?"

Adrien grinned and nodded his head like a mad dog. He hugged his mother, and she laughed at his willingness. "Thanks, Mama! You're the best!"

"I know. Now, put your toys down and practice your piano."

"Yes, Mama." Adrien set his toys on the coffee table and ran to the piano. His mother chuckled to herself. She wanted nothing more than to see her child happy. He's been an only child for so long, so one of the parents had to make sure he didn't get lonely. Her husband only wanted their son to practice his piano, learn his Chinese, and model for the magazines. But Adrien was still a kid, no matter how big he was getting. Amelie only wanted to make sure he stayed a kid for as long as he could.

Of course, she didn't know that the following day would be the last time she saw her baby boy for a long time.

Adrien sat in the living room, his eyes staring anywhere but the woman in front of him. He felt overwhelmed at the moment, trying to figure out what had just happened. He wanted to be ecstatic, really he did. But the fact that this woman who was supposedly his missing mother had suddenly reappeared into his life confused the hell out of him.

When Adrien last saw his mother, she looked a lot different. For one thing, her hair was shorter, as she had recently cut her hair the month of her disappearance. She didn't have any wrinkles across her face, people believing she was at least twenty at the time. Her brilliant green eyes were always full of life, and she was radiant, and amazing. Everyone always believed Adrien was the spitting image of her even though Gabriel had joked a few times that Adrien was more like him and not his mother.

But that was back when Gabriel did joke around with his son.

Now, looking at the woman in front of him, the good qualities Adrien had once seen all those years ago were fading away. Her eyes shined, but not with life. It was more like with sadness and lost. There were lines on her forehead and around her mouth, but not deep enough to make her look like a grandma. Her hair, while longer, was thinner than before, and she wasn't as radiant as she used to be, though she was still beautiful.

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