25 | Winter Magic

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In the grand ballroom down in the west hall of the main building, things are getting set up for the winter prom, three Articatix Members were on the setup committee with four of the Essix members and Rosella was not happy at that at all, even if she is new on the committee.

One time when she chose to join she thought she wanted more extracurricular activities like any other university student would, however, the head wouldn't want her on it and that was Katherine Collie, no surprise there, that's how she met Winter Snow and Estelle Dusk who was late... well Jinx changed Katy's mind back then... On President Day Rosella waited near the entrance while hanging paper snowflakes over the doorframe with some tinsel, she found laying around.

"where are Winter and Estelle, I thought they are coming by helping me at the entrance," she thought irritably looking out through the glass from the inside.

"I thought-" Rosella paused when she heard Katy's nasty voice.

"hey Intelligent lurker?! stop watching the snowfall and start hanging those snowflakes?!" yelled Katy towards Rosella.

Rosella flashed a sharp glare at Katy, not saying anything.

"don't forget that we are decorating the ballroom with the princess theme?!" she yelled at Jinx who was holding a clipboard who was just had been handed it by the new student rep.

"Okay, I thought the Winter Magic theme won the university vote, Katy...?" Jinx glared at Katy heavily "not your theme..."

"right? I wouldn't like to dress up the winter prom ballroom with magical winter snow and the articatix theme was..." she finished with a sound coming from her tongue toward Jinx. "stupid idea"

Rosella fell off the ladder, in a triumph unaware of the fall and that one of the white streamers fell loose, anger flared underneath her cheeks and in her chest.

"excuse me?!!" yelled Rosella getting up from the floor. "that was Kaora's idea along with Winter, Estelle's and Ana's how can that be stupid..." she marched up to Katy and grabbed her shirt and forced Katy back into a wall.

Katy was alarmed and breath was knocked out of her. Jinx was shocked, to say the least, and was trying to get Rosella's attention; before Rosella can manage to hurt her. Jinx finally grabbed Rosella's back of the shirt and hauled her away. "Rosella please violence is not the way... especially right here where everyone is watching" she whispered in a snap of voice, letting go of Rosella's shirt where she fell.

"you right Jinx I'm sorry," she said giving Jinx a sly expression as she stood up.

Right there and then Katy stood up shock pulsed through her, as she glared at Rosella holding an angered glare toward the light orange-brown haired girl before it hardened "did you try to kill me?" she asked rosella

Rosella blinked at Katy.

"no... not at all I would never do that to you Katherine Collie" she lied with a nice subtle frown where she thought her real answer oh yes... I totally was... before Jinx reminded me...

Before Katy had a chance to reply to Rosella a screech was soon heard, "damn it Electra stop eating the freshly baked donuts, can't you wait until prom?!" yelled a girl from the kitchen of the ballroom.

"the donuts are for me.. all me Kelli!!" she screeched at Kelli shooing her out and closing the door.

"ELECTRA?!" yelled Kelli banging on the door. "LET ME INNNN!"

"as a matter of fact... Rosella, I am needed elsewhere please go back to what you are doing?" she said as Katy backed away and raced over to where Kelli is struggling with the blocked door and the donut lover girl.

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