22 | Winter Magic theme?

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As Rosella, Jinx and "their muscle" looks half dead holding all of the bags as they carried both their own and the girl's shopping bags. "ah we have finally returned?" commented Jinx taking out her key card for the front door of the building.

she swiped against it and heard a click of the door, Jinx opened one of the doors and held the door open with her back. 

Rosella peered around at Zeref she went up to him and removed some of the load from his arms, so she can carry them in. "you did good..." she chuckled softly and she turned around watching Kuro stumble into the doors before collapsing. thankfully he was inside before he fell to the floor, Rosella and Zeref cringed thinking that will hurt or poor him. Jinx gasped seeing all of her bags and his in a mess on the floor.

"oh no here we go again" Rosella responded rolling her eyes. 

Rosella rushed over to grab the door with her bags in her arms before Jinx left her spot. Rosella sighed holding the door with her hip and leg. Jinx rushed up to Kuro and grabbed him by the back he shifted over to his cat form mid-air as she lifted him. "MY NEW CLOTHING?!!" she screamed dropping the cat.

Kuro raced over to the plant, scared and with his ears flat back across his head.

"you shouldn't let me carry everything, to begin with, I am just a weakling in human form" he pointed out fearfully.

Zeref walked over to Rosella without her realizing. "so does this happen often, Rose" 

Rosella freaked as he moved to her. she caught her breathe. "for her, Kaora and Lilly yes... not me since my family lived on a farm for the first years of my life" and Winter, Ana and Estelle... Dongli? she is just crazy..  she added in her thoughts

"oh I see..." nodded Zeref not sure what to say next, facing to where Jinx was crying over her clothes.

Rosella sighed as she beckoned for Zeref to follow her inside so she can close the door again.  "Jinx are you alright?" Rosella asked moving across the edge, making sure not to step on any of her clothes.

Jinx looked up with a sad and crushed look "actually not really... but I guess I should pick up my bags and carry them off to my room" spoke Jinx before quickly gathering her stuff up before she looked up at Rosella "you can leave me to it"

Rosella nodded and grabbed Zeref by his arm as she headed to the elevator and then up to her room she shares with Kaora. 


In the library, Kaora was sitting with Winter, Estelle and Ana to discuss the theme of the Christmas prom. It was talking forever, all of them has completely lost track of time and they all stayed and talked about it. Although the four girls aren't exactly alone since without Kaora knowing Katy, Crystal, Rayleen and Electra are also somewhere in the library discussing the same thing.

"let's involve Winter Magic into it..." suggested Kaora 

"Winter Magic?" asked Winter confused looking at Kaora 

"you know, magic that involves controlling the elements in winter... tbh I can feel like you and Estelle will get yours under that element, like how I and Jinx got ours in the storm Dongli got hers at the fair, in the hall of mirrors... Rosella during her trip at Jinx's house... .etc" she explained 

"Oh magic, I don't know Kaora, I and Estelle aren't hoping to have powers... we are happy without them" blushed Winter embarrassed

"yeah..." responded Estelle in agreement "but I like the idea, we can keep that in mind" 

Ana nodded "that's good thinking but I think it would be not to discuss powers her... Kaora" overhearing voices nearby "I also think we aren't alone here"

"alone? define alone?" spoke Kaora

Ana leaned over the table and shushed Kaora, "quiet and listen, do you all hear voices"

Kaora stayed quiet and listened directly, hearing voices nearby them, "they sound like..." she started before flat out growling, "Katherine Collie, and her gang" 

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