18 | Time Demon

25 1 4

Rosella was dreaming.

she was standing in the gardens of the university, she looked confused wondering why she is there. nothing stirred when she ended up moving. "hello is anyone there?" she called 

Rosella suddenly ran into someone, she backed away as she gasped recognizing it as Kuro. her heart skipped a beat she was overjoyed but before she could say anything to him. he said something harsh and moved on. Rosella fell to the ground tearing up a bit, "this hasn't broken my heart.. I'm used to it I want to try to find Kuro to tell him the truth of why..." she cut herself from finishing the sentence when she heard someone playing the guitar. 

her eyes flashed in anger when she got back on her feet; turning attention to the glade and around her, though it wasn't playing in her dream, she screamed out loud a name as she woke up in reality. 

Rosella opened her eyes drowsily; holding her fist clenched tightly. she sat up and looked over on Kaora's side of the room she was asleep or so she thought; Rosella narrowed her eyes, sometimes she wondered how her roommate and friend always appears awake in the middle of the night. she is already suspicious of her, what are you hiding Kaora?  who are you really? 

Rosella caught her breath as she heard singing and that guitar; listening carefully she left her bed and went to the window, she leaned against the windowsill, peering out and down towards the ground she gasped noticing who she saw. Anger bubbled within her, though she was also trying to stay calm, making her werecat remains hidden.

Rosella opened up the window, letting in the night breeze, she shivered as she felt the first sign of winter on the nighttime breeze. she ignored it and flashed her angry gaze right at Lewis "Lewis?!" she hissed "what did I say? go away I don't want to be with you?!" 

Lewis stopped playing and singing looking up at Rosella "oh come on you don't mean that Rosella Dream, I love you and you know that" he said in a loud voice.

"no, you don't! you are only doing this because of my parents" she spat showing her fangs 

"sure that may be true.. but you really piqued my interest when I saw you.." Lewis stopped when Rosella cut him off.

"oh will you just shut up already, I don't give a damn about you or if my parents want to set me up... can't you see that It's clear that I don't have feelings for you and all you are doing is wasting your breathe" scowled Rosella in a low voice

"come now Rosella be real, you aren't in love with that lazy vampire, are you? I mean your parents are trying to protect you..." responded Lewis from down below

Anger flashed across her eyesight as she stared at Lewis Nathrine. "don't make me come down there to claw your eyes out.. " she threatened to grit her teeth at him. "I still love Kuro Ash and my parents won't ever have a say in it.. because I blocked their number from my phone" 

Lewis then let out a loud laugh. Rosella slapped her hand against the windowsill and yelled at him.

"What on earth is so funny?!" 

Lewis stopped laughing, "you want to claw out my eyes.. that isn't possible Rosella.." he said taking in a huge huff as he calmed down "besides if you did, your parents would know.." as he showed his phone to the empty window he gasped seeing no one there, before hearing a yowl and completely turned on Rosella.

Rosella's cat ears grown out, the pupils of her eyes were slits; her cat tail was out behind her, even her finger nails have grown out and dipped over to look like claws. she was huffing "Lewis I'm warning you, get the hell away from me and leave me alone.. before things get bloody" she hissed 

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