32 | Back in University!

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Three years later in the research lab of Altering Divine Enchantments. Yasmin was sitting in the front Foyer, with her boyfriend Luniver, trying to reflect on the days to come, Seshiru and Eris were in the basement trying to figure out how to fix what she did and to remove the magic from the eight girls. 

Yasmin was annoyed, that Eris never agreed that this has to happen, and she yet she tried to reason with her sister. Yasmin growled lightly "I thought I was doing the right thing, why can't Eris just see to my perspective for once?!" 

Yasmin stood up and screamed her sister's name. Luniver looked up at his girlfriend as the witch was frustrated. "Luniver don't you think we need help with fighting that demon that will appear in a couple of days?"

"I- I guess Yasmin" he spoke quickly.

"then could you please reason with my sister, maybe we could try to help these eight girls to control their powers" pleaded Yasmin her eyes went wide?

"I- I don't know what to say," says Luniver standing up from the couch. as he walked over to where Yasmin was standing as frustration pierced her skin and reflected in her eyes. Luniver placed his arms around the witch, pulling her in a tight hug.

Yasmin blinked and slightly wrapped her arms around him. "it's just not fair, I've worked hard to do this?"

"I know" he spoke quietly in her ear. 

if only, there is a way to help these girls by getting their powers under control again... thought Yasmin, closing her eyes shut, tears trickled down her face. 


As the 2nd semester started at Starlight University, Rosella chose to wake up early and headed down to the main female washroom and shower room before Katherine Collie has ever had the chance to claim the stall again. Rosella wouldn't want to repeat that from the first semester. I had to buy a whole new phone since she broke my phone...  

Thank goodness, for going early, the stalls were all empty,  Rosella quickly went in the first stall and she even managed to adjust the showerhead settings, once she is down. Rosella chuckled evilly, as she left the washroom area after brushing her teeth. 

Rosella held her shower bag under her arm. "that could teach her, from messing with me... let's see how Katy will feel now..." she cackled to herself with a smirk, before going silent again as she went back up to her dorm.

As Rosella wandered back to the dorm room she shares with Lucia. She woke up at around 5 in the morning. so her roommate is probably still sleeping or might be just waking up.  Rosella removed her phone from her shower bag, flicking it on to see the time. "well It seems to be 6 in the morning?" she spoke to herself before ending up grinning brightly. 

Suddenly she reached the front foyer, where one of the elevators opened up, she noticed that Lewis Nathrine walked out. she halted giving him a death stare. Rosella never felt pity for the guy, a single thought went through her mind... he should really need to move on... 

At first, Lewis never noticed Rosella from afar.  Rosella slowed down a bit, as she carefully walked hoping that Lewis was preoccupied, but as he turned towards her direction, she stopped in place, abruptly. 

Soon enough, Lewis noticed her standing there. "Rosella did you decide you meet me down here, how sweet of you?" he said with enjoyment.

Rosella's hairs went up, in irritation crossing her arms sticking her nose up in defiance. "no. in fact I was just heading back to my dorm room!" she screamed at him flicking Lewis off like a fly, before trying to walk past him, when Lewis grabbed Rosella's wrist, twisting it and pushed her into a wall.

Rosella yelped at the sudden grab from the dude who ruined her relationship with Kuro Ash. Lewis might ruin my relationship with Zeref as well...

Rosella's shower bag hit the floor, and she gritted her teeth at Lewis. "now Rosella, I will only let go if you will dump that lonely boy and date me instead?" his eyes darkened as he spoke.

Rosella heard the elevator doors open again, but thanks to Lewis blocking her view, she couldn't even see who left the elevator. Ignoring Lewis's words only got him to slap her against her cheek. "answer me?"

 Rosella's eyes darkened looking at the ground, biting her lip. "you think I will leave my boyfriend, for you" she started before she heard another voice nearby.

"get off her you pervert?!" 

Suddenly Lewis has pulled away from Rosella, and she soon spotted Patolli, his white hair down below his shoulders, as he glared at Lewis.

Rosella blinked right at Patolli, except he seems different. noticing marks along his cheeks and above his brows. she noticed claws, replaced as his fingernails, which stunned her, eyes widened shocked to the core. she quickly grabbed her shower bag. no, it couldn't be you... 

"what are you doing to her? who are you?" he snapped at Lewis

"I will say the same for you as well?" spoke Lewis looking right at Patolli.

"that's for I to know, and you to find out?" he said directly.

I need to stop this... "Patri, please stop this at once!" gasped Rosella racing over knocking over the white-haired male. "this isn't the place to start a fight! you wouldn't want to get in trouble!"

"Aki- Rosella, I'm sorry" he spoke calmly,  the werecat features went away as to how fast they appeared. "but- he still hurt you?!"

Rosella almost jerked at the sound of her long-forgotten biological name, as she got off of him, in the progress of standing up and helping Patri to stand next to her. "I'm not hurt, plus I know this pervert..." she told him looking away her gaze darkened as a shadow reflected her face.

"you shouldn't get yourself involved, this is just him and me!" she looked at Patolli sympathetically and glared angrily at Lewis.

"Rosella, who is he though?" he spoke briefly 

"his name is Lewis Nathrine, one of the men my father set me up with after I moved..." she paused not mentioning the werecat territories name, but she was sure Patri knew of what she meant... if he is the prince of the werecat clan... "well he is the only one, who didn't even take the damn hint I am not interested in him! and I never will!" 

Rosella flashed her dark gaze up, flashing slitted pupils in her shadowed face, as she glared at Lewis. However, before she managed to slice Lewis' with her long fingernails. Someone spotted her and raced over to Rosella and held her back. Rosella blinked, realizing the voice.

"Violence is not the answer Rosella" she spoke in her ear.

Jinx... With Jinx holding her she looked up at Lewis, giving him a warning growl and then spoke to him darkly, all menacing "leave!"

Lewis stared angrily, at Rosella. "I'm not afraid of you, Rosella!"

"will you just leave! do as she says and take off will you!" responded Patolli flashing an angry glare toward the brown-haired male. 

"ah fine, whatever but note this Rosella, you will be mine!" he spoke directly with a smirk before he quickly stepped forward to grab his shower bag, but patolli grabbed it for him and threw it at him.

"my name is Patolli Zyltris by the way... now don't you forget it!" he sharply at Lewis 

Lewis clutched his bag and turned around to race off to where the male bathrooms are. Once he is out of sight. Jinx let go of Rosella's arms, letting her fall to the ground, black highlights outlined her hair once again. her pupils went back to normal as well as her nails. "thanks Jinx, I'm glad you showed up just in time" she heavily breathed.

"Rosella you should be careful," she said directly. 

"I know... I just can't help myself especially when Lewis gets on my nerves..." she spat out the filth of the name she just said, before turning to Patolli beside them, who just looked concerned at her and glared at Jinx untrusted.

Rosella caught his gaze on her friend, as she stood up once more. "She's a friend, not foe Patri, so no need to stare at her with mistrust?" she spoke at him

Patolli blinked at her. "oh I see... I'm guessing it's the same with your two friends" he said

"oh no... I-" she started before he went over to where he dropped his shower bag and picked it up and walked away toward the male bathroom and shower room, waving goodbye. I'll swear I will keep this man away from you, Akira...

"I have, five more friends... other than Kaora, Dongli and Jinx..." she paused hearing Jinx whisper in her ear, telling her that he is gone. 

Rosella blinked realizing he left. "well, that was not useless in saying," she said agitated "anyway, how are you going to leave to head to the main campus Jinx? what's your plan?" 

Jinx sighed, feeling defeated that Rosella spoke about how she gets from one to the other without rain following her knowing full well Rosella will ask that "I don't know..." 

"do you want help with it?" she chuckled clutching her fist up to her face before placing her palm to her mouth.

"Thanks... much appreciated?" she sighed.


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