4 | Granted Powers

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In the cafeteria, all five girls were sitting together, Rosella and Jinx sitting beside each other. they were all eating lunch and again Dongli had all of the chicken nuggets, before Kaora or anyone got any, come on, she can't have all of the nuggets all the time; which brings to her nickname.

Lilly ignored the grand pile of chicken nuggets on the girl's tray and plate; but was mostly focused on Katy's phone, she smirked deviously as she watched the popular club, where their table was right across from where they were sitting.

Rosella looked up from eating her noodles, she wouldn't say how she had gotten dirty looks from everyone that she passed through the hall. "you know what?"

Jinx looked up from eating her sandwich, she swallowed; before talking and turned to Rosella "what?" she says

"I am fed up with these false accusations that Katy spread, just this morning everyone in the hall and classes were giving me dirty looks..." growled Rosella

"your not the only one Rosella, the student council were all giving me them too... even I heard one of them morrow when I told them to stop and you wouldn't want to know what happened to me in my classes"

Jinx explained while even demonstrating. Rosella opened her mouth trying to respond before she saw Kaora reach for a chicken nugget, but Dongli interfered.

Kaora looked at Dongli and tried to take one Chicken Nugget off the pile; she noticed and slapped her hand "hey no touchy my stash" says Dongli putting her arms around her nugget pile protecting it.

Rosella shook her head while chuckling to herself you know that won't work... "I know right, I am fed up with these rumours" she hissed to herself while narrowing her eyelids, turning back to Jinx's attention.

Jinx opened her mouth to speak to Rosella; until she heard laughter coming from one of the tables nearby, she flashed her gaze, trying to figure out where it was coming from, but more or less couldn't identify where it was coming from which table. Rosella noticed it too and she saw a pair of friends walk past and made some kissy noises, holding trays; before walking away. Rosella ignored it, and staying quiet while biting her lip; shrugging it off, Jinx somehow saw it and slapped the table, while standing up. "that's it I have had enough!"

Kaora, Lilly and Dongli looked at Jinx, startling Rosella who looked at her considered a best friend; who left their table and stormed over to where Katy, Electra, Rayleen sat with two other girls. the brown-haired girl noticed Jinx coming up to them and tried to tell Katy, but it wouldn't come out.

"Katy we need to talk?!" yelled Jinx, as anger flashed through her gaze.

Katy turned around and faced Jinx with, angry glance; looking bewildered and shocked at why she approached her. "really what about Jinx?" she recites all innocently at her ex-friend.

Jinx hit the table, which startled Katy's squad, who turned at Jinx and everyone around the cafeteria, turned to face the scene. "don't play innocent with me, you know what this is about?" lashed out Jinx instantly hitting Katy across the face. "stop the false accusations about me and Rosella you spread"

everyone shrieked and literally jumped out of their seats as they heard the slap; Rosella heard the questioning around the cafeteria. Soon she heard thunder over her head knowing a storm was coming in. Rosella, Kaora and Lilly jumped up to their feet by the time Katy stood up and glanced at Jinx angry and feeling pain on her cheek where she slapped across the face.

"Why did you do that?" snapped Katy directly at Jinx, not even noticing Lilly, Kaora and Rosella behind her.

Jinx crossed her arms, still glaring at Katherine Collie. "you know very well why I did that, now stop these false accusations stating about how oh I don't know the entire university thinks that I and Rosella were a couple... that is not even true, we did not kiss nor do anything in my car...I ask very well stop these accusations now!" huffed Jinx

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