31 | Here comes Trouble!

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Reaching the Edge of the Curb, outside of the Dorm Apartments at the edge of the gravel parking lot, Rosella halted, she saw Kaora race around the parking lot after Dongli, "Dongli, please stop!" she yelled

"NO! you might suck my blood" screamed Dongli 

Rosella narrowed her eyes at it. Dongli wasn't exactly quiet, as that her voice could be heard about 15 miles away. "Kaora! what do you want me to help you with?!" asked Rosella, raising her voice, from where she stood.

Kaora heard her friend, now her distant cousin; from the pavement. She indirectly halted for a second, part of which to quickly take in breaths, but to respond to her. "Rosella! I'm kind of preoccupied at the moment!" yelled Kaora, before chasing Dongli again "Dongli! please I do not want to do this again! please let's just call it even!" 

Kaora faced Dongli again, panting slowly.  

"Definitely not!" yelled Dongli "removing her jacket, and Kaora's eyes stretched out wide, noticing Garlic around her neck.

"Garlic? really? that's only myths!" yelled Kaora, feeling extremely offended and while trying to talk against the rising of heat in the air.

Rosella noticed the temperature rise. Her eyes are wide. oh no... Dongli's magic is out of control... and she ended up panting, and covering her eyes looking up at the sun, before looking away, Rosella doesn't want to step off the pavement to help her friend. "Kaora! is it a fact that vampires will get badly sunburned or worse?" screamed Rosella right at her friend worried about Kaora's safety.

Kaora looked back at Rosella, in question. "Y-Yes. Why?" concern in her eyes.

"you might want to get out of the sun!" yelled Rosella, her sweat running down the sides of her face. 

"Rosella, what about Dongli? I'm kind of need to deal with her problems with me?" yelled Kaora back.

"don't worry about her" screamed Rosella. I don't want to tell her just yet of Jinx's observation of our powers... being out of control... "it's dire, have you been noticing the shift of the temperatures from the sun rays, it's getting hot!" 

Rosella started to fan herself by her hand, looking at Kaora, with concerned eyes. I'm sure Dongli has not yet noticed that she's making it hot out here...

Kaora breathed slowly, feeling the weight of the heavy heatwave. why is it so hot... it's like I'm in the middle of a heatwave... should I listen to Rosella and get out of the sun... if so where is the shade... Kaora searched for any shadows, but she couldn't see any. 

"Dongli, enough is enough let's just go inside!" yelled Rosella from the pavement. "yes, Kaora is a vampire, but have you ever noticed that you are making a heatwave around you?!"

"me why-" spoke Dongli, before freezing air hit her to her bones. 

Sure enough, the air began to drop to zero around the apartments. Rosella scanned her sights as she noticed Winter and Estelle emerged from their vehicle, Rosella noticed snow falling from the sky around the two of them "oh. you got to be kidding me! not them too!" 

"Rosella what is happening!" quickly grabbing Dongli by the arm, but as she was able to touch grab Dongli, by the arm. Kaora ended up screaming in pain, her skin was so warm, however, she pushed through the pain and dragged Dongli to the pavement. 

"Rosella, tell me what is happening to us!" letting go of Dongli's arm letting out a painful yelp. 

"Well... I'm not sure either, plus Jinx promised me to not tell you as we plan to at least figure it out before-" grinned, Rosella

"where is Jinx?" asked Kaora 

"well... she apparently is in her dorm room, trying to figure out for to control her own..." paused Rosella as a sweatdrop of worry landed on her head, before looking away thinking... or she might be panicking right now...

"come on Dongli, let's head to the senior dorm rooms and talk with Jinx...I need to know more about this issue about our powers? so maybe I can prepare if it will happen to me. My 
cousin is not helping me!" spoke Kaora

"what? your cousin?! Rosella is your cousin!" screeched Dongli 

Kaora crossed her arms and Rosella glanced at Kaora with an eyebrow raised with her hands in the pocket. "why are you so surprised Dongli?" with an irritated Rosella just glancing at her.

"way to go Kaora, you just darn messed up..." growled Rosella with annoyance and went toward Dongli, forgetting that the other friend was off the pavement. upon stepping off it weeds grew around her at a fast pace until it stops at her waist. 

"oh, I forgot-" Rosella sighed, feeling defeated

Kaora blinked at the weeds surrounding her friend. 

Rosella took out Kaora's keycard and gave it to her by laying it in her friend's palm, standing in a circle of weeds. "I also grabbed this out of both of your dorms... thank me later" 

Kaora's face went flat out red of embarrassment and tucked it away. "thank you..." 

"I also closed the door, do not want both of your stuff to get taken!" laughed Rosella, quietly dying inside, noticing the both Estelle and Winter are gone, they have probably raced toward the staircase entrance on the side of the building. 

Rosella heard footsteps behind her and upon looking behind her. she spotted Patolli running up to her, concerned for her, asking if she was okay. 

Kaora and Dongli followed Rosella's gaze. "Rosella, who's that?" asked Kaora.

"oh, I ran into him when I went to see how you are settling in? he's also on your floor Kaora" she spoke. "he is just a friend, that's all" 

Rosella didn't bother stepping away or else more weeds were to grow over. The white-haired male glanced sternly at Kaora Darnesse sensing the vampiric in her but said nothing. Kaora felt awfully uncomfortable, by the male's stare. 

"Rosella... he is staring at me..." she whispered toward Rosella. 

Rosella watched Patolli glance at Kaora and a sharp instance told her that he could be trouble. Just who are you? why do you even know me Patri...

Rosella opened her mouth before she could reply to Kaora, as she heard a quite familiar voice over in the parking lot "Hey, my parking spot is taken!" 

Rosella turned her attention over to the parking lot. she blinked as she noticed Katy yelling out of the window right at Jinx's vehicle. A sweatdrop rested over her head, before realizing that she was either staring at Kaora's vehicle or Jinx's vehicle. 

"uh. Kaora, we got trouble? look!" she said jumping up and in a flash, she raced over to where the pavement is, she managed to grab Patri's wrist, so he could stop glaring at Kaora like a rival or something.

Kaora widened her eyes, as Katy got out of the driver's seat, opening the door she eyed her vehicle is parked. "I- I knew we should have not parked there" 

"Dongli! let's go inside the building now!" she yelled grabbing Dongli's wrist and pulled her roommate with her toward the main doors. 

Rosella followed Kaora, still clinging onto Patri's wrist who looked confused. "A- Rosella?"

Rosella looked back at the white-haired male. "it's earlier to explain later?" she told him

Once inside the building, they all halted, all of them were breathing heavily. Rosella leaning against the wall. "why of all reasons, karma will bite me in the ass...?" she glared at Kaora who was also leaning against the wall, with the added growling. "I knew this will happen if you ever park in those selective spots Kaora?" 

Kaora blinked and glanced at Rosella. "gosh, how could I know!" 

"did I tell you my story and what Katy did to my car?" she spoke in a low voice.

"no. no you did not" 

"yes. I did.." 

"All I ever heard is non-sense coming out of your mouth, Rosella"

Dongli raised her head and glared at the golden blonde-haired girl and the black-haired girl before blinked excitedly smiling. "oh hey- let's-"

Kaora and Rosella glared at Dongli, "don't you dare!"

"well, let's just say she wreaked my vehicle, popped my tires and the like...I had to put it to the dump" she huffed 

Kaora had a blank expression on her face, as she stared at Rosella. "I-" 

"It wasn't good and I hoping you-" Rosella paused blinking three times at her friend.

Patri stayed behind Rosella with a frown on his face. It seems, she lost her memories of me, or she forgot about me and moved on... Akira... He looked up at Rosella, admiring her silky hair. 

Rosella leaned forward and shook her friend's shoulders, knocking her friend on her head using her knuckles if shaking her back didn't work. "KAORA?!  EARTH TO KAORA!" she yelled

Kaora blinked, falling backward onto the floor, once Rosella let go and the impact as her back hit the ground the sunburn started to sting. Kaora's eyes went wide, tears went out of the corners of her eyes, quickly sitting up.

"Ow wow ow!" she screamed

Dongli and Patri covered their ears at the scream. Rosella shifted away, shrugging as well as bitting her lower lip. "I- I knew this will happen?"

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