38 | Caught!

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"Luniver! please go faster!" yelled Yasmin, from sitting on the back of Luniver's motorbike. She had a shoulder bag over one shoulder, clinging onto it for dear life.

"Excuse me? who's driving?" spoke Luniver over the engine of the bike. "I'm already going as fast as I can go, so I won't go over the speed limit." 

Yasmin rolled her eyes. As she was holding her boyfriend's chest. so she won't fall off. "I know, but still?" 

Luniver sighed. "what if I stop here and go back to the lab to let your sister scream at you" he added smugly, as he swerved around the next corner.

Yasmin's eyes went wide. She was about to argue back before she heard him laugh. Yasmin leaned over his shoulder to whisper something in his ear. "not cool" 
"I'm sorry, just try to relax. let me do my thing and I'll let you do yours"whispered Luniver in a low voice to Yasmin, as he kept his eyes on the road, since one wrong move will crash his bike.

Yasmin grinned as she put her chin on his shoulder, swinging over her bag on her lap leaving the shoulder strap lay looser on her one shoulder. "Luniver, I hope Eris didn't find out that we have left the lab?" 

"oh you needn't worry, Yasmin, if you believe you can fix your mistakes you can be sure to prove Eris wrong" responded Luniver as he turned another corner. 

"I guess you are right" 

Rosella reached the library hoping she'd see if Jinx is actually around. Rosella needs to have a conversation with her. She looked at her bandaged arm and mentally went back to her attempting to stop herself, donning a wound from her own nails.

well... if It wasn't for me hearing his words... Professor Siskas would end up being harmed... and then I'll be expelled... 

Rosella was now inevitably worried about what will Jinx say when she noticed that she harmed herself, by stopping from being in trouble. 

Rosella sighed deeply. Letting out a big breathe. She grinned holding up her arms proudly. "Alright, no time doddling, time for me to at least tell Jinx my entire life" 

Rosella walked past the front desk, where a student librarian, who usually likes to help the Librarian. The girl with long black hair with dark brown eyes, who went under the name Fena and she was casually working behind the desk. 

Rosella waved at her. The girl didn't look up at her. Rosella just shrugged and she walked past toward the aisles where the books were arranged in the genres and section. She reached on and looked up to read "Manga and Comics" she was hoping to scan for something to read, but she realized why she was in the Library in the first place.

"Right? I need to find Jinx" she spoke loosely and continued to search for her friend. Slipping through the aisles of books. Rosella scanned the bookcase. She never expected she'd tell Jinx this soon, how she knew the new transfer Patolli Zyltris and the like... Hopefully, she will keep this secret, as well. she is unsure how Kaora and the others will react.

 She guessed this will do for now, if it's only one of them.


Outside, the day students were leaving the premises, walking back to their assigned dorm apartments. The evening sun was setting. A white Hyundai vehicle drove up and parked into one of the very few visitor's slots. the driver's door opened, and out stepped a man in a labcoat. His yellow hair was noticeable.

He scanned the grounds, looking for the dark purple-haired witch, and the dark blue, almost black-haired male. It wasn't long enough when he heard muttering from a few straggling students. 

"omg, who is that?"

"I don't know"

"why is he dressed like that?"

Some of the students near him whispered. He glanced at the few students over, He wonders why young people had to make remarks of people older or of strangers. He didn't bother to say these thoughts out loud, and so he continued onward. Searching for Yasmin and Luniver. Perhaps he could spot an old friend, Professor Aphrodite Siskas. It'll be a lovely time to catch up with him. 

However, there is one more task, he went after Eris's older sister and her boyfriend. Not just to bring them back, he has learned that there is a certain book, here. One which shouldn't belong. Suddenly he heard a motorbike pull-up, in a rush, in the parking lot, when he was halfway up the walkway. 

He turned his head, seeing who pulled up. Two people sat on the bike. One is at the front and one sat behind. The blonde man listened to the conversations.

"We need to hurry" insisted one of them. who sounded to him, as a female's voice, leaping off her couples bike. he caught the bag she was carrying and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"no need to rush, Yaz" responded the male, who still held one of the handles to the bike and unstrapped his helmet to his chin.

By their voices, and the evidently what the male said to the female. Seem very familiar. Almost too convenient, to him. However, what's ironic is how if he was correct on their identities. I found them Eris... Once the female removed their motorbike helmet and tossed it over to the male. 

"got to hurry, Luni... I really want to fix what I did" she spoke quickly. 

As he watched Yasmin rush Luniver to hurry, stop the motor to the bike and to putting the helmets into the bike large bags at the end of the bike, to keep them from being stolen. Should I say something to them? he asked himself over and over again, in his head Yasmin might be expecting Eris to follow her and Luniver... but not exactly the Boss of the secret lab... 

However, before he could say something to stop Yasmin and Luniver in their tracks. He heard Aphrodite's voice from nearby and by nearby, he meant behind him. "Mu Cosmas, how's it going? I haven't seen you in a while?" 

Upon turning on his periwinkle-light blue-haired friend. Out of the corner of his sight range, he spotted Yasmin tense up, overhearing his name being said. 

"I'm doing good, Aphrodite" he spoke turning on him with a smile, with his hearing alert on Yasmin and Luniver. 

He heard her speak quietly, although couldn't make out every word she told Luniver. but he was guessing around the words of let's get out of here or let's find another spot. 

"oh, wonderful..." paused Aphrodite looking at Mu concerned "something wrong?" he asked

"shush, " he put his fingers to his lips as he rushed off toward the two that he watched earlier, he halted in the middle grabbing Yasmin's jacket's sleeve and Luniver's shoulder. "where are you two think you are going?" 

Aphrodite watched, standing where he spotted his friend, just standing there watching these two. 

When Yasmin and Luniver never spoke to him. "well, I want you two to follow me, as I am needing to do a long-forgotten task?" he spoke to both of them "and then I'll drag you two back to the lab" 

Yasmin's eyes gained wide very fast. "what no? I need to fix my task" she pleaded, forcing Mu to let her arm go. "or else Eris will remove these gifts, I've given to-"

Mu glared at her, to not say another word. However, in the back of his mind, he noted that he had to talk to Eris about the removable. Luniver blinked, glaring at Yasmin.

"oh shit" she swore, pausing realizing that she was going to spill the secret where people were staring at them. "sorry" she grinned

"Sure, we are delighted to join you on your forgotten task," spoke Luniver proudly grinning.

"Luniver?" pleaded Yasmin.

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