23 | I know you are a vampire Kaora?

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When Kaora got back to the dormroom in one piece with Ana, Estelle and Winter. It was snowing outside, or it started snowing. she had spilt ways and they decided to drop their ideas booklet off at the heads office before going straight to the female dorms, a few blocks down from where the admissions office is. 

The door opened to the room she shares with Rosella only finding Rosella not asleep as Kaora normally found her when she gets in this late and it was literally late. Rosella was sitting facing back to her laptop screen. she raised her head up sensing Kaora in the room and what's more creepy is that Rosella didn't even turn her chair to meet her late roommate's eyesight. 

"Kaora you are back so late? I thought you chose to stay at the library all night" she spoke tiredly as she stared at the blinding screen. 

"yeah and I thought you would be sleeping by the time I come back. Like you usually would?" Kaora responded heading to the fridge to fetch her "juice pack" 

"Kaora don't bother..." said Rosella turned her chair around and tossed one of Kaora's "juice" packs toward her, which completely shocked her when Kaora caught it. "I already know, you are a vampire" 

Kaora blinked shocked holding her blood pack for the night. "you know...how did you figure it out that.. wait who are you?" 

Rosella grinned at her roommate "it's kind of obvious because of the blood packaging in the fridge and only vampires take a daily dose of that stuff... and you usually come back late or go to sleep late and I can actually feel your dark energy coming..." 

As Rosella listed off her obvious reasons to Kaora Darnesse being a vampire. Kaora blinked shocked at her discovery, "okay, but how did you even sense I was coming back? If I don't know better you might also be one as well" replied Kaora with her arms crossed as she held her blood pack.

Rosella saved what she is working on and shut down the Microsoft word and then the laptop as a whole, before she closed the screen down. she started to laugh like what Kaora said was basically funny, she turned her chair over again.

 "I don't know.. about how I sensed you... that's a mystery beyond me and no I am not a vampire I am a werecat-" Rosella covered her mouth quickly as she spilt out who she is "oops that I wasn't supposed to tell you.."

Kaora blinked before leaped back to the wall screaming "NO WAY!!" she accidentally scrunched her blood pack too tightly and some splattered her shirt and face. "wait you are a werecat!! and I thought something was off when you keep hiding your face with a scarf one time"

Rosella bit her lip and was about to say something, before Kaora continued like she wasn't done yet "wait- that would mean we can't talk to each other from the immortal enemies between the clans.." said Kaora beginning to feel worry. 

Rosella blinked at Kaora, as she held up her finger, but she continued to talk. 
"why would the university board pair us together knowing this result? does this mean I have to think of you as my enemy now?-" rushed Kaora as she continued talking about things between the werecats and vampires before Rosella had enough she leaped up and raced over almost in a flash of light that surprised Kaora only to knock some sense in her; however Kaora was shocked due to how Rosella can move that fast, almost like a vampire, but she isn't.. how can rose move so fast? 

"Kaora?! that's enough we are friends for all I care is that rule between our two clans are worthless... I always thought the feud is?" growled Rosella showing her fangs right at Kaora. "seriously that's enough, there is no need for us to act like enemies" 

Kaora blinked warily at Rosella showing her werecat side; but before she pulled away she caught the sight of her fangs. her eyes widen in surprised. this was the first time ever seeing her friends and roommates fangs, but when she got a closer look she could see that Rosella's fangs aren't normal cat fangs, but it's also has a curl at the end of the fang, almost like her vampire fangs. Rosella's fangs maybe long like a werecat's but it's also has that bent of the tooth at the end of her teeth. no way!  it can't be can it, is Rosella Dream really part vampire as well... 

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