34 | In trouble again...

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Rosella fixed her position, where her legs are apart as her elbows were on her thighs her forearms hung over the edges. As she was in front of the professor. Her light brown eyes were plastered toward the floor. she doesn't know why but she was ever so wary of Professor Siskas more or less afraid of him and right now he was staring right at her. She let out a huge gulp. 

"well... how's your day going?" she spoke to him, trying to not make eye contact with starting to trying to make small talk.

That however did not please him and he was still angry at her. "Miss Dream, before I will tell you what you did was wrong, which is plenty. I just would like you to stand up and look me in the eyes" the professor spoke looking at her as she was trying to avoid his eyes and he added, "one looking at the floor is considered rude, and two I find it disrespectful?"

Rosella shook her head indicating the words no, without saying anything, which frustrates him, she is also ignoring what he is saying.

the professor clutched one of his hands into a fist, raising it speaking under his breath, looking up to the ceiling, as he calmed down. 

"I'm not going to face you if that's what you are thinking? if you want to talk to me just say it..." Rosella spoke looking slightly off to the side staring at the wall.

Professor Siskas's eye twitched after he heard that come out of her mouth and He soon crouched down at her level, where Rosella was still in a crouched version "when I said look at me, I mean look at me! " getting very irritated at Rosella. "this isn't like you, you use to look right at me... I find this attitude disrespectful" he whispered loudly to Rosella.

Rosella narrowed her eyes at him. "That's all very well... but-" she paused under her breath and then she added with narrowed eyes lowering her head further. "rather it's the truth, I am not in your class this semester, Aphrodite" whispering under her breath.

He leaned closer, to her hear. "that doesn't matter, at all. Every professor working in this facility is your superior... and we deserve to have respect and we give in return?"

Rosella said nothing to him and all she did was a smirk. 

What really got on Professor Siskas nerves is that she isn't taking him seriously. What changed you, Rosella?  he thought ...and how can she mock me... and no less use my first name...  I'm thinking she is just doing this on purpose... frustration itched at him deep down, remaining a calm manner on the outside.

"Okay, I had enough... guess I'll force you to stand up," he spoke irritated grabbing ahold of Rosella's collar of her shirt, which caught her off guard.

"Alright, Fine! I'll listen!" She swung her arms up trying to make him let her go and that made her accidentally end up slapping him in the face with reflex. 

the professor was shocked as she forced him to let go of the collar of her shirt. a perfect shape slap mark on his right cheek. Aphrodite Siskas touched his cheek, looking directly at Rosella. a few words escaped his mouth that sounds like he was complicating his own facial complexion has just been ruined.

Rosella was alarmed, at what just happened, after she lost her balance falling against the window as her lower back hit the glass edge, making a loud bang sound as she hit. Her butt collided with the windowsill, as pain seethed her lower back and butt. 
"what the hell... why you did just do that? I said I'll listen and stand up!" she asked screeching in pain, stretching her legs out catching her breath.

"well, too late you should have just done it right away?" he spoke to her looking at Rosella's widened eyes. 

Students in the classroom, including Patolli, turned their attention to the commotion in the hallway. Rosella looked over her shoulder, gaze darkened. "well now you have done it, professor?" she turned to face him, pointing behind her as she added "that's on you" 

the professor looked behind her and he cursed under his breath as he signalled at them all to get back to what they're doing, but that is when the bell rang overhead and He facepalmed, pulling  Rosella aside forcefully. 

As he glared at the students who walked out the door or is walking past them, repeating 'nothing to see here,' He later sighed and grabbed Rosella's arm as he saw her walk away from him, warning her that he was not finished by a swift glance. 

"Oh come on, I need somewhere to go?" she added frowning at the professor. 

"you'll leave when I say you can?" he warned her, still holding onto her arm. 

Rosella's pupils moved in realization as she turned away for a second, bitting down on her lower lip. damn, guess me trying to find Kaora, to know why she didn't stop this morning would have to wait... She closed her eyes tightly in thought. hoping he'd let her arm go as she felt his hand right onto her sleeve, keeping calm and trying not to show her half-blood nature or worst the powers, she had been gifted by some anonymous person.

Once the students in the chemistry lab left the surroundings. Rosella spotted Patolli, as he was the last one to leave the room, he glanced at her. Rosella glared back with a dark gaze, with a single thought raced across her mind, this is technically your damn fault... as the professor dragged her inside the room.  

He closed the door and turned to her, letting her arm go, "tell me exactly why did you disturb my class?" he spoke with a serious tone toward Rosella.

"You tell me why you tried to force me to stand up?" counted Rosella without answering his question.

Aphrodite's eye twitched in frustration and he just realized that he will not get anywhere with getting any answers out of her. It will also get difficult from there on out. "Tsk* I was only doing that because you weren't answering me, earlier," he said "Just answer the question?"

Rosella hardened her gaze, on him "why should I? Besides I would like to know why you hate me so much since I never did anything to you that made me hate me... first the assuming that I disturbed your class, when I was just looking in or watching from afar. proves no reason to throw me in a damn window or wall." she spoke showing her werecat fangs. "I will tell you what I was doing, I was trying to find my friend but old memories of your student Patolli Zyltris came to mind which made me stop" well that's part of the reason... I still need to figure out why he came here... because she doesn't remember exactly why...

Aphrodite Siskas listened to Rosella, as he glared at her, more likely confused especially since she's baring her fangs at him and closely he noticed that Rosella's eyes were dark red, with cat pupils she even has slightly longer nails. so he stayed quiet since he wasn't sure of what to say. 

"Why do you hate me answer me? what have I ever done?" spoke Rosella in a low voice, however without her knowledge a hiss escaped her life. glaring at the professor.

Aphrodite breathed in slowly, trying to work up the courage to reply. "I don't hate you, Rosella. I just don't understand why back then how you destroyed my roses and the vase that was on the desk" as he pointed to the front.

Rosella blinked in realization and trying to calm down after she noticed her long nails and the hissing. "Th- that was not me... I would never do that-" she spoke trying to hide her hands in her pockets and she added, "perhaps it was one of the other students?" 

She looked down with her hands in her pockets, so he won't notice any more of her half-blood changes. 'besides I love your roses that were on display... I like all plants and flowers you know," she said softly

"I see, do you have any ideas on who would?" he prompted her, getting something out of her "if you know who did it, I could tell the headmistress and the culprit from three years ago, could be done for"

However, as the professor tried to step closer to Rosella. "Rosella, I really nee-?" he paused stopping dead in his tracks when he saw Rosella raised her hand. 

"Please don't come anywhere near me, Professor" responded Rosella with a raised hand and arm slowly backing away. "I don't wish to hurt a professor or anyone; because I can't hold back my-"

Aphrodite stood in shock, eyes widened as he noticed a change in the golden-blonde-haired girl He even saw tears roll down her cheeks from her eyes. 

 I wish I had Jinx with me...  now of all times, I had to lose control of my genetics... however, thank god, it's not my powers.
Rosella breathed slowly, still with her arms raised. "I'll just tell you who destroyed that vase of roses... and who framed me for it. it is none other than Katherine Collie, the headmistress's child..." she spoke quietly but loud enough toward the professor. "I've watched her do it when I came in early!"

"I see-" his response was cut off when she continued.

"she told me, did it to frame me, and for fun. I'm sorry for that last vase and I did try to save it... but I was too late" replied Rosella as she removed her hand and scratched her head gently, trying to remember more of those hidden memories.

"sh-she-" started Rosella gritting her fangs, before Aphrodite stepped forward, to tell her that she didn't have to tell him anymore and he got the memo. 

"that's enou-" he paused, being cut off by a ripping sound of clothing and that the professor noticed Rosella's nails digging in her forearms. Her eyes asking help, from someone, before she removed her nails from her forearm.


The crimson blood of hers stained her fingers and her long-sleeved cream white shirt, that was covering her arms. Rosella soon dropped to her knees, breathing heavily, she placed her hands on the floor. "can you tell me, what I am now? Professor? I'm a half-blood. half-werecat, half-vampire. I can't hold my anger in for so long and this occurs" 

Aphrodite Siskas, listened to her. "well, that explains the changes" as he soon crouched over her, putting his hands on her upper arms. 

"I've only truly ever told this to two of my friends, one of which has prevented such a tragedy and stopped me from harming someone. but it seems because of you, I can't hold back my half-blood nature. Regret it yet" she responded eyeing at the professor kneeling before her, using one eye. "now that someone isn't with me now, so I may end up harming someone, admit I'm a monster"

"M-... Rosella, please don't have such thoughts and you aren't a monster either, even if you are a half-" Aphrodite paused in his sympathetic response until he noticed that Rosella tried to slash her claws against his face, however, with fast reflexes. he caught her hand quickly

 "Violence isn't the answer, Rosella!"

Rosella panted, looking at the professor, quickly snapping out of it. Eyeing at him, while he held her right hand that's stained with her blood. she slowly breathed carefully, before she ended up passing out once she glanced at the open wound on her forearm. 

Aphrodite caught her falling forwards, toward him. he quickly tore at his lab coat and made a quick wrap on Rosella's forearm, before he lifted her up and carried her off toward the School's Medical Wing. 

I'm guessing she doesn't want me to share that she's a half-blood... your secret is safe with me... Rosella...

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