Chapter 1- Selfish

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Alice POV

"You're just so selfish!" I screeched.

Edward turned to me, carelessness evident in his eyes.

"Really...what have I done now?" Edward sighed dramatically, barely looking up from the TV.

"Really?! Really Edward?! You going to leave her. Just leave the girl who loves you more than anything in the world! Hell the girl you love! She practically worships you, Edward!" I screamed, furious.

Edward sighed as he turned off the TV and turned to face me, bored.

"I don't love her, I never did. I just found her interesting. Now, I understand her, so we're moving on. End of story" Edward answered simply.

I couldn't believe it! He was just so selfish.

"And what about Bella?" I asked. "You know how deeply she felt about you.....for christ's sake Edward, she wanted to marry you!" I exclaimed.

"Look Alice, it won't be my problem by the end of the week, will it?" Edward answerd plainly, turning back to watch the TV.

"Of course it is. You're going to leave my best friend broken and your girlfriend!"

"Well, you know Alice seeming as you seem to care so much, why don't you go sort it all out?" Edward muttered.

"Yes, you know what actually, I think that is a great idea. I am going to go see her before we have to leave"

"Don't you dare, you already promised Carlisle. It's better for the family this way"

My eyes narrowed at him "You know that is it, I am done with you! I thought you we were family. I thought we understood each other. But now......Now I am ashamed to call you my brother!" I seethed.

A glint of hurt went through Edward's face. Good, I thought to myself.

"Stop being so melodramatic Alice. She's just a normal, plain human girl. Nothing special!" Edward said, finally getting angry.

"She is special. You know that!"

"No, Alice, you are the only one who thinks she is special. And you are crazy anyway so your judgement is perhaps not a very good one. You were put in a place for mental people after all..." Edward smirked at me.

That was it, he had gone too far. He knew how I had felt about my human life. It really hurt me.

"You know what Edward, I hope you are happy you've done this because as a result of this, you have ruined your relationship with me! I no longer want to see you. or hear you. I am not leaving with you. Bella means far more to me than you ever will!" I began to choke and my eyes became clouded by the dry tears that formed in my eyes but refused to fall, I had lost my brother.

Edward's face remained expressionless as he simply laughed and rolled his eyes at me.

"Hey it's your loss not mine" he smirked. "I don't need a physco anyway..."

Rosalie POV

I had never been Bella's biggest fan, but that was more because of the fact that she was human and I was not, than anything else, not because of her personality or anything....nevertheless I was suprised to find myself feeling just a little bit of pity for poor, helpless Bella. She had practically worshiped Edward, she really had loved him. In fact, I found myself thinking that Bella and Edward were mates- as did Bella, I think.
I don't think I really realised it but Bella was an important part of our family, she made our family complete. And now that she was gone, our family was slowly breaking apart.

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