Chapter 43 - Resurrection

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{Location: E.U.F. Regional Headquarters, Washington - DC}
{At: Communications floor}
{Time: XX:XX}

"Only a few people were present on the room as most had gone to sleep or were enjoying their time off"

Guard: Hey buddy. Brought you some coffee. How are you doing?

Operator: Ah you know. Same old, same old.

Guard: Why didn't you go with Tim and the others?

Operator: I wasn't in the mood. How about you? How are you holding up?

Guard: I feel like shit. Have this headache since the morning. Did you hear? They caught these Rexian escapees.

Operator: Man, fuck this case. It was supposed to be a secret operation and now the whole galaxy knows. "Oh look. They have enemy Special Forces locked up at Washington"! The press just loves that shit. I don't even know why we are keeping them here. We should put a bullet to their head after all they've done. You know how hard it was telling my brother that his wife was shot down by a prisoner in a jet pack on active duty? Speaking of him...He has been sent to Rexus Prime but I can't reach him. Or anyone else there in fact...Guy's life is fucking ruined.

"Suddenly, the operator picks a transmission"

Operator: Wait. I've got an incoming

"This [static] under attack [static] reinforcements [static] robots [static]"

Operator: Wha the---

"Just a few moments later, the operator showed this transmission to General Toben that was present along with Admiral David Morgan"

General Toben: Are we sure that this is not fake?

Operator: Yes sir.

General Toben: I will put together an infiltration team and send them out as soon as possible.

Morgan: Good. And I will try to find if any of our ships survived the conflict. Can someone bring me some coffee? This will be a long night.

"2 hours later...The infiltration team is sent and has reached the planet"

{Planet: Rexus Prime}

"Three EUF Wraith (Elite) fighters emerged from hyperspace with their cloaking field already activated"

General Toben: Rune 2. We have you on screen.

Infiltrator: Well sir. Take a look.

Morgan: My God...

"The space about the planet was filled both with EUF ship wreckages and literally hundreds of RPU ships"

Infiltrator 2: It's like a beehive. Where did they find all that stuff?

Infiltrator: Okay, team. Take it slow.

Morgan: Do these ships look better equipped or is it just me?

Infiltrator 3: No sir. More guns and better armor. That's actually TOO many guns.

General Toben: ETA on the planet's surface?

Infiltrator: About ten minutes if we are careful and they don't have any new detection tech.

"As the squad was descending into the planet they could clearly see the scale of this army. There were ships landed for miles. The EUF forward camp was no more. It had become a landing "platform" for a destroyer"

Infiltrator: These poor souls. They didn't stand a chance. We need somewhere safe to land. Command. Any ideas?

Operator: Whole place is filled to the brim. The safest, with big quotation marks, place to land is a facility from the colonization era. It is half a day walk from Lion's Gate.

Infiltrator: Copy that. We are on our way.

General Toben: Try to be as quick as possible commander. We don't know how much time we have until they launch an attack.

Infiltrator: Understood General. We will be Oscar-Mike in about 5 minutes.

"This old facility was like a huge hangar that was used for refuelling and repairing the colony ships. The roof of the main building had collapsed so the UF infiltrators slowly landed inside it. They picked some rubble and junk and tried to cover up the ships"

Infiltrator: Ok people. Keep radio silence and speak only when necessary. This is going to be a very long mission. Don't split up and don't lose sight of one another.

{{ Back on Earth }}

General Toben: Great. I need to inform our outposts close to Rexus and organize reinforcements. What about you?

Morgan: I will speak with a few friends down on the cells.

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