Chapter 11 - Missing Personnel

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["Missing Personnel"]

{Loaction: EUF HQ - Washington DC}

"All four arrive at EUF's new HQ in Washington DC. Their journey has only just started"

Rj: Here we are.

{{ Communications: Online }}

Rj: This is Rj Frost, requesting permission to dock, over.

Operator: Affirmative. You have permission to land at Dock bay 2A.

Rj: Copy that. Ah...Here we go guys. Let's see what awaits us inside.

"The 4 individuals dock and proceed inside the headquarters. It's the first time for all of them"

Rj: Wow! That's the new HQ, eh? Darn. Looks good!

Reyna: Huh, looks nice.

Susan: Look at that! Incredible!

Zeon: I'm still amazed on how humans managed to even create civilization while murdering each other...But yes, the building is nice overall.

Reyna: Well, we're here. And we have work to do. Where's the Commander in charge?

"Suddenly, someone appears from a corner. They all see him. It's a white American man in his late fourties with short millitary brown hair"

Commander: You have him right in front of you young lady.

Reyna: And you are?

Commander Welkings: I'm Commander John Welkings. Commander in charge of the 301st EUF Operator division. Ah, I see you must be Morgan's special mercenaries. Well then. Welcome to the new upgraded HQ! Though, I already know about you twins. So who might you two be? Names?

Susan: I'm Susan and this android over here is Zeon, sir. I have some...personal experiences with Victus. He...ordered his men to kill my father. And...some other things.

Commander Welkings: I see. Very well then. You'll have to complete the necessary paperwork of course. But that's nothing to concern you with. With Morgan's recommendation and sign I think everything is in order already.

Rj: So, commander. What was the message all about? Did something happen?

Commander Welkings: Indeed Rj. It's urgent. You see, Victus is pushing very far to win this war. And we can't let him move much further. Our positions are failing. One after another. Every victory we take is pyrrhic.

Reyna:'s just the usual? Running around, killing bad guys, helping ours?

Commander Welkings: No, Reyna. It's something more than that. I need you all for some special missions. Some of them include rescuing captured agents of ours. See, a week ago there was an ongoing mission to steal plans for advanced weapons that Victus wanted to make. Maybe WMDs again. No one knows. It's kept secret. There were 2 skilled agents who got ambushed by the enemy. Before you know, our agents were spared, but are now kept prisoners. If those Rexians think they can get any information out of them, they have another thing coming. But I don't want my agents to die, either. So you must be ready. For your next mission is a rescuing one.

Reyna: Any info on were they were ambushed? Or maybe even currently kept?

Commander Welkings: Mission was on planet Ferus. In the Outer Rim. It's name comes because of it's lava and heat. We don't exactly know what caused it because it's not close to the sun to be burning. But according to scientists, there must have been a number of asteroid collisions that caused it's temperature to rise significantly. Anything from lava rivers to lava "seas" can be found there. Only about a 30% of the planet has touchable land.

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