Chapter 23 - ERS Independence

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["ERS Independence"]

{Location: Duke's office}

"An informer comes in. He brings news to the Prime Minister of the United Front, Mr.Duke Wellington. It's been nearly 1 day since the fall of planet Uranus"

Informer: Sir. It's about code 11.

Duke: Is it done lieutenant? Can we proceed?

Informer: Yes, sir. It's finally done. Shall I give the signal for the ships to move?

Duke: Indeed. Permission granted. Make them pay.

"Meanwhile - At 301st HQ"

{Location: 301st HQ}

Rj: Hey, Rey? Do you know where my shoes are? The white ones?

Reyna: Screw you. Go find them yourself.

Rj: Oh come on! Please!

Reyna: Why do you have to be so bored? I said no!

"Rj looks at Susan"

Susan: Don't even think about it.

Rj: Ah! Fine!

"Rj looks around. Then he looks at Zeon with a smile. Zeon then looks back at him"

Rj: Hey Z'! Buddy! How'd you like to---

Susan: Hey! No! Got get them yourself.

Rj: Damnit. Whatever!

"Suddenly the headquarters alarm goes off"

Announcer: All agents report at the main dock. I repeat, all agents report at the main dock. This is not a drill.

Reyna: ...What is going on?

Rj: Ah there we go. Suit up guys. Those Rexians are probably hitting our guys again.

Susan: Nice. More fun.

"After a while - While our heroes are getting ready and suit up, Kate and Max walk into their room"

Kate: Guys! Welkings needs us for a briefing. It's urgent, he says. Hurry!

Rj: Ok. Let's go.

"When the team is all suited up, they head to Welkings's office for the briefing"

Welkings: Agents, there you are! This is the day we've all been waiting for! The day of revenge!

Rj: Sir, what happened?

Welkings: Well let's start with Uranus. It fell just yesterday. Soldiers reported a team of five getting into a reinforced bunker and killing everyone inside. Before you know it more Rexians and droids stormed the camp. Planet was lost in mere hours. The soldiers inside had their holo-communications at the ready. Didn't take long before they died. Poor souls...

Kate: Commander, to the point. What is happening?

Welkings: It's time agents. Kate, Max. You know it.

Max: You mean...

Welkings: Indeed. We have been waiting for this time for almost 6 years. But now it's complete.

Rj: Wait. What have you been waiting for 6 years?

Welkings: Code...Eleven. The super-destroyer is...ready, at last.

Susan: Super destroyer?

Rj: The one mentioned at the council?

Welkings: Indeed. ERS Independence. It's finally done. This one was under construction and was not yet finished. But it is combat ready...for now.

Kate: Now, wait a second. David said it's not done. So how can it be now? How is this possible?

Welkings: Well that's the only thing we are worried about. It's only 95% complete. But I doubt that the enemy can even figure out it's weakness. And we can't delay any further. Because if we do, then every planet we own is going to fall. Including Earth...

Reyna: So what is our mission, General?

Welkings: No more secret missions for you, agents. Now we fight. Now we will launch full scale space and ground attacks. Now we will get the upper hand again. And those Rexians will know our true power. Go inside your ships. Make them combat ready. Oh. And Admiral David Morgan wants to see all of you in person. Report at his ship.

Rj: What ship is he inside?

Welkings: He is inside the "Independence".

"Some time later, our heroes are inside Morgan's Super-Destroyer"

Rj: Wow. Man this looks amazing.

Reyna: Are you in charge of THAT?

Zeon: A very nice job indeed.

Kate: Admiral!

D.Morgan: It's good to see you guys. In about an hour we will be arriving at Uranus with supercruise. We'll show those Rexians "who's boss". After we destroy their entire fleet. And whoever escapes, we will hunt them down.

Susan: What can this...beast do exactly?

D.Morgan: Whatever you want it to do. a super-destroyer. Has the most heavy cannons than any other ship in the galaxy! It has a massive ion cannon at the front combined with a super charged laser that has a radius big enough to destroy 6 frigates at once.

Susan: Nice! I like that!

Kate: Guns and more guns babe.

Max: Oh America.

Rj: So, David. What's the formations? How are we standing?

D.Morgan: This ship is accompanied by 2 more heavy capital ships commanded by Captain Ladivish and Captain Zurkon of the Russian Federation. Smaller destroyer frigates will be in groups of 3 and they will be accompanied by anti-fighter vessels and "Royal Interceptors". Our new elite fighters. Further back will be our missile frigates that will barrage the enemy from a long range. We also have 2 Tesla-type jammer vessels that will block any enemy attempts of retreat. Our naval strength is 1 super-destroyer, 10 heavy destroyers/frigates, 30 medium frigates, 30 AA corvettes, 20 light cannonades and 3 groups of 6 Royal interceptors in a "V" formation. A lot of space fighter support coming out of our carrier ships as well.

Kate: That's quite a bit of information.

Max: You don't say.

Reyna: What's the main threat for our navy? Or else we wouldn't need to be here, am I right?

D.Morgan: Clever girl. I always liked that on you. Yes, Reyna. The main threat is a Tiger-type armed frigate. The one that also contains what appears to be the Rexian Admiral. The one that gave the order on...Neptune. And it would be really helpful if you could capture him alive. Emphasis on "Alive". He would certainly give us the information we need for their defences. We will then be able to advance deep into Rexus Prime...once again.

Rj: Great. Another easy day then. Just have to destroy their command ship and capture the enemy Admiral...

D.Morgan: Be careful though'. There is a very capable and elite special force probably stationed there. They will be tough. Tougher than you. So mind your steps and don't miss a single bullet. For your own good.

Rj: Yes, sir!

Reyna: You got it.

Crew: Sir! Five minutes until jump to hyper-space. The rest of the fleet is ready, sir!

D.Morgan: Great. Ok then guys. Let's get to it!

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