Chapter 19 - Morality

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"One day after operation Planetcracker. Inside Armed-Tiger frigate"

Time: 03:00}

{Location: Spec Ops hangar}

Prophet: What are you doing here? Can't get any sleep? Me neither. How are you holding up?

Angel: I don't know. Since the events of the previous day ... I mean... It is one thing to kill everything that moves on a military base but destroy an entire planet. How you manage to keep your mind straight after witnessing something like this? It is just strange.

Prophet: What is going on Sivia? Did you suddenly grown soft of some random colonists?

Angel: Some colonists? Leonev we just destroyed an entire planet. All these lives lost. No training can prepare you for this.

Prophet: So what? It wasn't our orders and we couldn't do anything about it. Are you forgetting who we are? We do what we are ordered to do and that's it. That is our purpose. Your father understood that when he was building Darkstar. And yes. He knew that this mission on Saturn would be suicide. But he didn't have any choice. WE didn't have any choice. And we all know how well the operation went. Did you see anyone of us receive a medal or a kind word? NO. The rest were buried away from their families and friends. I am pretty sure they would be even more pleased if I died with the rest of the team. Less paperwork and fewer complications for them. At least they were smart enough to let me assemble a new squad. I just want to end this war one way or another.

Angel: I...I...Sorry.

"Suddenly Nomad comes their way. He seems upset"

Nomad: What is going on? You woke the whole ship up.

Prophet: We were just...having a conversation.

Nomad: Just keep it down a bit.

Prophet: Don't worry. We are done here. Right?

Angel: Yes. I am okay. I hope.

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